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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


1 round for time:

50 DB Thrusters

10 Jumping Pull Ups

40 DB Thrusters

20 Jumping Pull Ups

30 DB Thrusters

30 Jumping Pull Ups

20 DB Thrusters

40 Jumping Pull Ups

10 DB Thrusters

50 Jumping Pull Ups

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 30 lbs and gals use 20 lbs for thrusters.  Jumping pull ups are with wrist above just above the bar.  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 17

DB thrusters were replaced by 30lb single arm DB squat cleans
Jumping Pull Ups were replaced by 20″ box jumps.
All the rest was done as Rx’d….he he.

fun workout 17;33 with 15 lb db

As Rx’d


did not really feel gassed during WOD…but definitely felt sick after the first set of thruster…physically this is the worst I have felt during a workout…not very fun for me today…

uh oh…Chantal, I thought that was my time :-(….
OK, so I don’t know what my time was anymore…I must have been cross-eyed from the wallball hitting my glasses in the warm up! rrrrr

I used 17.5lb dumbells
and I finised after Jackie who did 11:something, and Stacey who did 12:something…
Darn, I have no idea what my time was because I thought I saw 17:34 written on the board by my name. Maybe Chantal finished at the same time as I did??

Anyway! GREAT effort by everyone! good job, Kelley for doing about half with the 20lb db!! and terrific work, Rick! you did great!

As Rx’d

11:59 with 15 lb db. Started out with 20lbs but moved to 15lbs after 15 reps. Maybe I should have stuck it out. Thanks Rob for the pointers. Great effort by all today.

oops! sorry Stacey! 🙂 Now i will really blame it all on my poor eyesight from today… That`s my only excuse.

22.5 lbs

DJ- 18:40 as rx’d
Brittany – 18:32 as rx’d

13:16 as rx’d
Thought OPT’s recent blog entry (‘Never, never, never, never give up’) during thrusters and when I did stop, instantly heard Brett’s encouragement to get back at it!

Oops…that’s supposed to say ‘Thought about…’

G; 16:30 as Rx’d
K; 20:33 as Rx’d

Hey Paige, I finished 3 or 4 sec before you did thats why our times are close…I used only the 15 lbers.

Rick with 25lbs 16:42
Adelle as Rx’d 25:24 I was ready to drop to 15lbs but somehow managed to make it through. Still waiting to see which body parts are going to hurt.

Neil 32:54 as RX’d, was totally gassed by this one and only Michelle’s encouragement kept me going, thanks Michelle! Closest I have come to quiting a workout in a long time…. congrats to Mark and Devon (2nd WOD ever looked strong) and of course Michelle true to her word just doesn’t quit… crap even Alvaro beat me…

Just posting now.
as rx’d

Wow I finally managed to log in….time for this one was 25:32 did the first 40 DB Thrusters at 40lbs…scaled back to 30 after that…wow what a workout!

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