Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Deadlift – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Coach’s notes: Work up to your maximum 1 repetition deadlift. Rest 2-7 minutes between sets, more rest the heavier the set. Post loads to comments.
Compare to May 6, 2009
Reminder that Fight Gone Bad fundraiser is happening on Saturday, September 26. Join the CFC team by raising funds for a good cause. Register to donate at
Hey Erin,
Good work on Breakfast Television this morning! Nice and confident! 🙂
What did she do?
210# (5 less than my pr 🙁 boooohhhhh~)
worked up to 200 lb – didn’t go until failure – think I scared myself so quit while I was ahead! hahaaa – last time I did deadlift was 165 lb
out of time at 265lbs… 5 lbs short of PR but WAY better form than ever. thanks brett!
Cory, she was on TV this morning. It had something to do with her coaching someone in a weight lost competition. Not sure… on the specifics of the competition but she was interviewed.
135/145/155/165/170/175/185…very happy 🙂
Maxed out the weight in my garage gym for a new PR – 345. I think I had a bit more in me.
Gee Blaine, why didn’t you just ask Rebecca to sit on the bar! Or was she too busy setting her own PR?
Great job!
Worked up to 255…thanks DJ for are your help tonight
Neil 275
Judy 175
165/175/185/190/195/200/205/210 a new PR tonight!
240/250/260/270/275/280/285 – tied PR
DJ wisely advised me to stop there on account of my ugly form (rounded back)
Thanks for the help DJ. Great class tonight!
250 – PR by 45lbs. Thanks DJ for the great push and coaching.
Niiiice, Katie! That’s awesome!
Karen & Katie!!!!! OMG – you guys did awesome! Katie – are you kidding me??? 250!! that’s fabulous! you can give me some pointers next time!!
A huge shout out to Katie-YOU ROCKED IT-WOW! Congrats…same to you Erin!
Great class DJ-thanks for the help 220 for new pr by 5lbs. Must work on the DL and need sleep.
oh yeah and Katie, we really need you on Sat for FGB—so please sign up and come out and have some fun!!
205 Great job Katie and Erin.
Pretty impressive numbers, ladies and gents.
Katie — that’s >2x BW for you, isn’t it? GREAT JOB!
BTW – good luck and good job to everyone involved with FGB this w/e.
WOW!!! Lots of PRs tonight…congrats to all!!!
Awesome work Katie!!! You too Erin!
I worked out with an amateur competitive powerlifter named Pavel who works in the lab next to ours…. his programming:
DL 185×8, 205×8, 225×8 (Pavel: 345, 365, 385)
Barbell Shrugs (ugh… felt so wrong) 135×10, 155×10 (Pavel: 225×10, 245×10)
Strict Pullups 6,9,12 (Pavel: 5, 5, 8)
Bench 95×10, 105×10, 115×10 (Pavel: 140, 145, 150)
Shoulder Press 55×10, 65×10 (Pavel: 100, 110)
Abs circuit of death, about 10 variations x 10 reps.
He’s agreed, next time I have him do a crossfit met-con. Any suggestions?
uhh, not sure where that cool-cat smiley came from haha… oh, 8 ) turns into 8)
Lovin’ all the PRs!!! 45# woo!
First time for 1RM Deadlift, so I automatically had a PR…
Goal was to beat Judy’s 175# or at least match it. Worked up to 170#, and even though class was done, I was able to go up one more time. Thanks to DJ’s glorious idea of adding two more clamps to the bar for an extra pound, I finished with 176#! 🙂
Thanks a lot DJ!
Amazing work by everyone today!!!! Ladies you really impress me again and again!! Judy, I barely managed that final lift; you are amazing!!! And Katie, you are blowing my doors off!!!
Worked up to 315#, couldn’t get 320 on two tries. Still a PR, so it was a good night!
Thanks to DJ for the form corrections, it seemed to make things a lot easier.
285/305/325/345/355/365/375 easy enough / 385 (f) / 385 (f) / 385 (f)
500 lbs -now know that I am not allowed to drop weigths
OMG, Katie…you rock.
Got up to 200#
Never done a max before. 295, but I think I couldve got to 305 or 315 if I didn’t jump to 335. Regardless I’m happy. Thanks DJ!!