Wednesday, September 17, 2008
“Filthy Fifties”
1 round for time:
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 KB Swings
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45 lbs)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Scale any exercise as needed and post time to comments.
Compare to July 14, 2008
Did Rob C ask you to post this??? I was only joking….
50 Box Jumps
50 Kipping Pull Ups
50 DB Swings
50 Walking Lunges – 25 Each Side
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (40 lbs)
50 Back Extensions
50 40lbs Thrusters
50 Push Up Burpees
50 Double Unders
in class 33:12
tough one!!
box jumps were to 20″
burpees were all strict pushups
k2e…actually k to just beyond armpits…
wallballs…well they take me a long time. today was better..thanks for the pointers, Rob!
Finally feel like I am out of the FOG! Thanks to all of you for the amazing encouragement on the comeback and especially to those of you with the wise an kind advice to take it easy at the beginning and help with the nutrition. My former workout partners are a huge inspiration as are all the crossfit kids who are always eager and excited-THIS IS TRULY AN AMAZING COMMUNITY!
modifications:50 Knees to Elbows-close to elbows
50 Box Jumps-20inch
50 KB Swings (26?lb-the mid one)
50 Double Unders-counted attempts
KB Swings 45# dumbell
First time working through Filthy 50’s
Box jumps 24′
Jumping Pullups full extension to chin over
lunges w/ hands behind head
KB Swing to 9:00 w/ 16kg
Knees to elbows withn a few kipping swings and interestingly enough a muscle guy came up and aked me…mid training I must add (sooo not cool)…aren’t I cheating by swinging when doing Knees to elbows…needless to say he got the quick version of force x distance = power (Bretts fav. equation). It is so nice to be able to understand and explain why you are doing what…Thanks Crossfit!
PushPress 45lbs
Back Extension…
Wall Ball 14lb
Burpies all 6′ off floor, no chest to deck
50 double unders
Total time 31:40
Last done Sept. 1 – 47:33 – 1.25 pood kb, 20″ box, weak wall balls
This time: 43:55 – started with wall balls (much better than before)-all else as rx’d
DU’s still getting done in 1’s and 2’s.
Apologies to the 8:00 p.m. class for running 10 minutes into your time. Feel free to start early next week.
Neil – as rx’d 41:25, started at wallballs
Judy – 10lb wallballs, 16lb KB, 32lb push press, 47:10, started at back extensions
Thanks Michelle and JP for the final push….that was a though workout!!!
As Rx’d
Last time was 24:55 but I am not sure it was legit…but today definitely was…
Thanks to Mike and Brett for counting reps and making sure all counted…It was frustrating especially in the K2E where in my first 10 only 2 were counted (i.e. my knees actually touched my elbows)…after that I found my rhythm and did okay…
Today was humbling for me and shows me just how much I have to learn and skills I need to develop…
Great job Kathleen on you the DU’s!!!
As rx’d, 29:40
Did them in order – found the wallballs and burpees the toughest – maybe just because they were near the end. Great push everyone tonight!
K; 26:33 with 12# wall ball as Rx’d
Previous 27:17 with 14# wall ball Tues Apr 29 ‘08
G; 28:12
Previous 23:37 Sat Apr 26 ‘08
31:39 as rx’d
12# ball
20′ box
K2E’s – knees touched elbows every rep
waited for GHD machine and messed around changing the push press bar (hands sore from K2E’s), but other than that everything was just slower than last time, except K2E’s, they’re getting better.
(Previous 29:35, July 14/08, 12# ball, 24″ box, rx’d K2E’s)
Nice finish tonight Judy! Great job everyone!!!
As Rx’d except
10# for Wallball
20″ box
K to E were toughest, only managed K to Under arms
This was a first time for me too! Thanks for the opportunity.