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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A.  3 rounds for time:

  Run 200 m

20 Box Jumps

B.  10-1 Chest to Bar Pull-up Ladder

Coach’s notes:  Guys and gals use 20″ for box jumps.  Post time for A and B to comments. 

Comments: 17

worked on snatch… tall pulls for form (92? 95 lbs?)
then on snatch from knee height – worked up to 82

B. 5:54 …. had to repeat round 6… still didn’t get all to chest (maybe 1 or 2!)
round 5 could do 1 at C-B then the rest only to throat height… same for rounds 3,2 got to chest for 1!
not sure if it would have made a difference but longer rest times in between rounds???
Thanks Brett, great class as always!!

Neil :
A. 7:52
B. 8:01
A: 7:47
B. 8:04 – blue band PU (next time purple)

A. 5:56
B. 11:35 (2 purple bands for the 1st half and then switched to a blue band for the last half)
Thanks Brett, a great class!

A: 5:26
B: 10/9/8/6.9/3/3/3 grip was shot

In round of 9 I didn’t want to miss any reps, got over-excited and did stomach to bar for the first couple of reps. This wore me out, I came up short on a later rep and ended up doing 9.9 reps to get 9. I’m not sure I could do this whole ladder but if I can tighten up the standard deviation on how far I pull I should get a bit further.

Part A: 5:08
Part B: Scaled with purple band and less than perfect: 11:08

A: 3:27

Runs didn’t feel very good on the knee, but box jumps actually felt great.

A: 3:53
B: Completed – but forget the starting time. DOH!

A: 6:06
B: 8:51
It is 9pm and I am still coughing with a bloody taste!

A. 4.13
B. 8.51 (failed on the 4 reps 3 times got it on the 4th, failed 1 rep 3 times got it on the 4th, round of 2 reps were questionable but i took them)

A. 4.48
B. 11.49 using 2 purple bands

A. 3:17
B. 24:10!

I failed on the round of 8 once, and the round of 6 twice. I couldn’t sustain my kip, and my singles weren’t explosive enough. I was going to quit on the round of 2 when my hand was torn, but I got the last 3 reps done for Alvaro!

A. 4:54
B. 11:12 Started with purple band. Failed on the round of 8 and 6 then switched to blue band.
Thanks Brett.

A. 6:05
B. 10:58 Blue band. Failed on round 8,7,6.
Thanks Brett.

A. 7:23

B. 7:05

Thanks Brett!

Me, again…

B. blue band all the way.

A: 5:01 ( wanted sub 5 but a baby could have crawled faster than my run today)
B: did not time just did regular pull ups- these felt good today- all unbroken- a miracle!

A) 5:17
b) 5:41 – Couldn’t get all the way chess to bar on 8 of the reps, but did it unbroken. Shoulder hurts.

A. 4:11… not as fast i hoped… hips were fatigued, 3rd round was a struggle i was tripping up on the box jumps
B. 4:50. C2B off a bit today but still went ok… again probably due to the hips.

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