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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Work to your heaviest in the following dumbbell complex:

Hang (above knee) Power Clean/Hang (below knee) Squat Clean/Alternating Single Arm Push Jerk – 2/3/4 (per arm)

Coach’s notes:

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Comments: 7

Up to 60#
Liked this complex.
Thanks OG!

Thanks Derek!
Nice work 5:45!

35, 40, 45, 50, 60

Thanks Derek!

25, 30, 35, 40, failed 45 twice, but got a few jerks in the second attempt…
Great lifting 5:45!
Thanks for the coaching, Derek!


Cleans and first 4 jerks were pretty good but had something wonky going on with my left arm abs kept trying to push press so lowered the weight to work on that and a couple other issues.

Thanks Ragnar!

Didn’t have it in the right shoulder to get 70, bursitis sapped enough strength I just couldn’t make the power cleans.
Switched to single arm jerk on the left side and worked up 110 again, barely made 120 move though.

Thanks Ragnar!

25, 30, 35, 40 – did two sets of 25 and 30 to be consistent with form.. had to split jerks in last set.
Great lifting 5:45💪🏻 I liked this one..
Thanks Derek!

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