Wednesday, October 7, 2009
1. Alternating Tabata for reps:
Ring Dips
Overhead Walking Lunge
Rest 5:00
2. 500 m Row sprint for time
Coach’s notes: Guys use a 45 lb plate and gals a 25 lb plate for overhead walking lunges. Post total reps for dips and lunges to comments. Post time for row to comments.
Thanks Amy LaFleche for making this wicked video!
On Saturday Oct. 10 and Sunday Oct. 11 CFC will be hosting an Olympic Lifitng certification therefore, a modified class schedule will be in effect. Sat. Oct. 10 member and drop-in class time will be 7:45 am and CFC Kids class time will be 8:45 am. Sun. Oct. 11 the modified schedule will be; member and drop-in class time at 8:30 am and Targeted training course at 4:00 pm.
Notice – Due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday on Mon. Oct. 12 the holiday class schedule will be in effect. The 9:30 am and 6:00 pm classes will be available for member or drop in attendance.
Amy your video is amazing!
Hey Cory…thanks for the clarification from yesterday. I actually did use 35# DB not 55# thinking it was 1.5 pood. Having said that, I don’t think my numbers would’ve changed that much. It was a good, grunt WOD yesterday.
DIPS 14/7/6/3
Lunges 13/13/10/10
ROW 1:33.3
Rd= 12/10/8/6/4/3/4/3
Lunge= 13×8
Ring dips are a weakness for me, so no surprise there
Lunges I am built for comfort not speed, so thats about as quick as I can go
Damper at 9, stroke rate peaked at 36, couldnt get it any faster and fell off to about 32 by the end. Need to shorten up my pulls to get stroke rate above 40 next time. Thanks Brett and DJ for row coaching today
did 25 OHS with 95# and 75 double unders times 4.
Time:29:00 min
Very hard to get the doble unders going. Haven’t practice them in a long time and today i paid the price.
3 rnds of full dips
5 rnds of lowering
45 lbs for lunges
dips: 10/6/3/5/5/4/5/4
lunges: 9/10/8/8/7/7/7/10
row: 1:43.3
Lowered only for ring dips
25 lbs for OH lunges
Dips: 5/5/4/4/4/4/4/3 = 33
Lunges: 11/12/13/13/13/13/11/12 = 98
Row: 1:55.5
Lowered for ring dips 8/7/7/7/7/6/7/7
Lunges as rx’d 11/12/11/10/12/13/11/12
Row 1:44.0 Thanks Brett.
As Rx’d
Ring Dips 12-9-6-6-6-5-5-5
Lunges 10-10-10-10-9-9-10-10
50 – 45# SDLHP 1:22
Lowered for ring dips – did not bother keeping track of very low numbers
walking lunges as rx’d – didn’t keep track
row – 1:51.? – thanks Michelle for the push on the end of that one and thanks Brett for the coaching today.
I kept total Round count, hard enough to keep an eye on my watch! 26-20-17-15-19-18-15-19.
No rower: 50reps, #45 sdhp: 1:25