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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


7 rounds for time: 

20 Shoulder Press

20 Sit-ups

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 75 and gals 45 for the press.  Post time to complete to comments. 

Compare to September 26, 2008


Comments: 14

looks like the muscle up race is on. great photo.

yes and she will likely beat me…Kids Functional Fitness ROCKS… as rx’ed 31:40

as rx’d 17:42. Cute picture of Maddie Chantal. Great work today!!

as rx’d 40:08 UGH! Great Job in Class today Ladies!

As rx’d 35:31.

The WOD was a challenge (in a good way) for Adelle and I. It was nice to have the sit ups as an interlude betwen press sets. I am sure we will both have sore shoulders tomorrow.

Adelle – 27:14 using 42 lbs – great arms
Rick – 21:07 – 3 rds using 70 lbs and 4 using 65 lbs

Actually listening to my physio and giving my shoulder a break. Instead did…
3 rounds of:
15 back squat @ 115lbs
30 jump squats
60 air squats
Great picture of the future CrossFitter!!!!

Judy – 29:21 – 2 rds using 32 lbs and 5 rds using 27 lbs – much better lifts 🙂

22:40 using 32lbs…beat my time by a whopping 5 secs!!

G as x’ed: 17:24
K as x’ed but substituted GHD sit-ups: 16:48

In kilo’s sets of 32, 32, 28, 24, 24, 20, 20 total weight with dumbbells (no barbell available)
Lost over three minutes this go around to finish in 22:06

As rx’d (75 pounds) took me 45 min. Shoulders were burning! As i told Brett i was trying to make short breaks only waiting for the pain to go away in between attempts. 🙂

15:51 as Rx’d

15:43 as RXed

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