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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5 rounds for time(s):

30 Single Arm Alternating DB Snatch

60 Double Unders

2:00 Rest

Coach’s notes:  Remember snatch catch is full squat.  Post time for each round and total time (less rest) to comments.

Comments: 25

Question – What’s the Rx for the dumbbell and is it 30 reps total – 15/side?

yes do 30 reps total, alternating between hands. so 15 a side per round. males use 35lbs, women use 25lbs or scale as required (per brett)

37:36 total time. du’s have been off since “flight simulator” so they sucked up a lot of time… did a LOT of single reps. oh and scaled to 20lbs

worst workout EVER! 47:58

PS. Don’t forget to vote for CFC’s Fight Gone Bad Video!! We’re currently 10 votes behind first place and there’s only two days left!! Go, go, go!

9:30am class

35# dumbbell

3.06/3.56/4.05/4.19/3.54 = 19.20

snatches sucked at first due to limited shoulder flexibility, but by the end of the 1st round I was warmed up thoroughly and my shoulder loosened up. great wod.

Scaled to #30, all I had at home(prb a good thing)
Rope broken- Sub knee tuck.
Aching knee 10 reps into Round 5.
4 Rounds
First DNF ever. Rough.
Great wod, very taxing.

31:46 total time as rx’d. DU’s were a headache for me, especially counting! Thanks to the 9:30 group for a fun time as always!!!!

Did yesterday’s WOD instead…as rx’d
KB – 14/13/14/14/12/14/14/14 = 109
Wallballs – 11/10/12/12/13/13/13/13 = 97
Sit-ups – 11/11/11/11/11/11/10/10 = 86
Squats – 21/20/21/21/21/21/22/22 = 169
Total = 461

Hey Guys,

Sorry forgot to include loads. It is 35 lbs. for guys and 20 lbs. for gals (not 25lb).

At Nubody’s in Moncton.
Random ‘workout’

back squat x3.

Wide grip strict pullups

Overhead squat
45×20, 65×20, 75×10, 85×10, 95×10


25lb DB and did random DU’s as I’m not very good at them.

4 rounds in 41:33
30/25/25/25 lbs
Saved my strength to carry Karen to the car.

37:55 as rx’d. Oh dear, my DU are the picture of inefficiency. PRACTICE is really needed Thanks Brett and way to go everyone in the 6:00 class.

34:00 (without the rest)
This is one of the few “as rx’d” workouts that I’ve done. I wanted so bad to ditch the 20lb weights and go for 15lb but I was trying hard to keep up with Katie. No such luck, she’s too fast! I felt nauseous after this one.

31:35 total time. I thought I would die before the end. Wish I could say as rx’d but had to use 15lbs. Thank God my DU are getting better. It only took me 2 and 1/2 months to figure out how to do them properly.

20#, last time similar workout w 15#
32 DU’s in a row at one point.

27:49 as rx’d (19:49 minus the rest).

This was the best my DB snatch has been ever. Right arm felt good right from the start, and by round 4 the left arm was almost as good. The first three rounds of double-unders were unbroken, and rounds 4 and 5 were broken 40-20 because I could barely hold on to the handle any longer.

oops… my brain was thinking 20 lbs for females, my fingers were saying 25 lbs… my bad!

oh and i agree with cory- by far the best DB snatches i have ever done… i should have gone heavier but was going by my notes from the last time we did these where i started at 20lbs but switched to 15lbs soon after.

34:18 as rx’ed (20lbs)
A DB Snatches were straight through each round and felt great-ie full squat (used to really hate these) and the DU’s were pathetic…no more than 6 in a row and no more than 2 in a row on the last set of 60. Du’s are major weakness but have been way off since that ‘Sat Flight simulator’ wod about a month ago (more sleep might help too). Thanks DJ for not laughing at me too much and the Dlifts prior did help too! Good work Guys at 5!

36:30 as rx’d. Right arm was easy and quick, left arm disaster!! DU are getting better as we have been doing them more often in the wods. My back did not like this workout for whatever reason. Cory, this one is all yours

21:41 including rests with 40lb db all sets of cleans unbroken
2:42 DU unbroken
2:40 DU unbroken

Sorry not cleans i meant Snatches (i wish it had been cleans)

25# DB

Laces came undone on R5
Had a 35# KB but didn’t think the forearms would approve

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