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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


10 rounds for time:


5 high box jumps (24″ plus)

5 Heavy thrusters (115lbs for guys and 85 for gals)

5 pull-ups

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 2

Sub’d 65# then had to scale down to 60# half-way through…them shoulders of mine aren’t the strongest…and did jumping pu’s.

Total time: 14:34

Did this with Thursday 8pm Crossfit class:

Subbed 20 inch box and 27.5 lb dumbbell

Total time:14:28

Having my first ‘seriously bleeding’ hand blisters from kips and having to ask my husband to wash my hair for me: PRICELESS!!!

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