Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Power Clean 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Coach’s notes: Post max load to comments.
Comapre to September 14, 2009
A few spots have opened up in OPT’s upcoming nutrition seminar. Click here for more info and to register.
Power Clean 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Coach’s notes: Post max load to comments.
Comapre to September 14, 2009
A few spots have opened up in OPT’s upcoming nutrition seminar. Click here for more info and to register.
75/80/85/90/95/100 – definitely a PB 🙂
worked up to 3’s of 95 – great practice!!!
then: 7 rounds (6 then ran out of time and had to run)
10 DB cleans 25 lbs
10 DB push press 25lbs
25 jumping pullups
rest 60 sec
6 rounds in 13:08 … (probably could have squeaked in that 7th!!)
Thanks Brett, Michelle – that was good!!!!!
70/72/77/82/87/89.5/92/94.5 failed x 2
Technique got sloppy at the end. I wasn’t getting under the bar fast enough – got to practice this! Thanks Chantel.
Sept 14th – lifted 85 and failed @ 87.5
Mostly practiced on technique tonight but did manage to work up to 77lbs. Thanks for the tips Brett!
Where is everyone????
Frik! I LOVE cleans!! Why are all the good ones on rest days? 🙁
Sorry Coach today was a rest day. I agree with Amy, I love Cleans and wasn’t able to do them today.
Man, I love power cleans… I didn’t want to miss this.
I’m writing this god forsaken pre-candidacy paper due tomorrow. It’s ruining me! If it’s any consolation I’ve been doing pistols in between paragraphs…
I am hoping to love cleans soon.. they’re on my list of things to “work on” – tonight I stayed at I think 42 and just practiced not spazzing out. Thanks for the help Brett, Taylor and Anita! Also, WAY TO GO Anita on your pull ups!
Neil 135 lbs
Judy – home with a fried some acid in it this morning OUCH!!
Worked up to a really ugly 195 for 3, then tied my 1RM at 200 and called it a night.
There was so much space in the gym! We could have used a few more bodies there…