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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Clean and Jerk – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Coach’s notes: Post load for all sets to comments.

Compare to July 9, 2010

Important Reminder – only 8 spots left in the kipping pull-up seminar with Brett Marshall running this Saturday.  Learn the progressions to a kip and how to practise these progressions.  Click here to learn more and to register.


Comments: 11

Thanks Michelle and everybody at 9:30 class!

125/135/145/155/165/175/185 F

My form is feeling much more natural. Thanks Michelle!

75/85/95/105/115/125(PR)/130 cleaned by couldn’t jerkx2

Happy with cleaning 130, just need to get the second half of the lift now.

Thanks DJ

Neil – worked up to 150 .. form feeling better
Judy – practiced form


Tied PR from July

Worked up to 175#.
Never tried a 1RM C&J. Nice work on the PR Hulk.

Worked up to 175# and I was ready to go home after trying 4 or 5 times to clean 185#. David was trying hard to get 180# done. It was really tempting to get the 180# done. Mission accomplished. If it wasnt for david I would have gone home.

Worked up to 85lbs (PR) but form wasn’t great on the clean.

52/62/72/77/80(PB)/82(PB)/85(failed x3)
thanks DJ

85,95,105,105,115,125,135 (Failed) 135. PB
Really had to work on the jerk!

matched PR of 165.
Thanks DJ

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