Wednesday, November 21, 2007
3 rounds for time;
400 m run
21 KB Swings – 1.5 pood
12 chin ups
Coach’s notes: If the weather does not hold up for this one, or you have no track available, perform a 400 m row per round for run – 1.5 pood KB = 55 lb db for guys, gals use 1 pood = 35 lbs DB; perform jumping pull ups if you are still working on your pull ups.
Since I’m still working on my pu’s, I did the jumping version…otherwise, as rx’d. Time – 12:00 and then finished with 16 min of bike sprints.
Helen, on treadmill, level 1.5 incline
damm pull ups, can’t get last 12 without grip failing
post-5 L-pull ups + 10 GHD sit ups X 5
knee injury so subbed 400m row(8)
10:20 all else as rx’d
Can’t seem to mentally push myself to the next level to break 10min
1:23/1:32/1:38 row times. KB straight thru and chins very broken up.
Rowing instead of running is a bit different. My grip was worse today and the glutes very sore after coming off the rower which made the first few swings a little tougher. I could however keep better control over the breathing on the rower.
Man, the guy on the rower looks good!!!
(by the way, I am starting the recovery stroke which is why the slight bending of the wrist – technique I picked up from CF)