Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A. 5 rounds for time:
20 KB Swings
20 Knees to Elbows
B. Back Squat Technical Work
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood, gals 1.0 pood for swings and post time to complete A to comments. For B post personal notes, not loads.
A.)11:03 grip was destroyed by the second round. Felt like I was clinging on to the bar for dear life!!!
B.) Kept the load light and worked on pushing my knees out. Did high bar back squats for all sets.
Thanks Kris, great job everyone in the morning class.
yucky 15;41 AS RXED thanks ALI AND COLIN
A. “Angie”
rest 1 hour (had ballet, not for me, but I did see DJ trying to sneak into Jocys class)
B. Todays WOD 9:02 as rx’d
1:10/1:50/1:49/2:06/2:05 ( KBS no prob, K2E set 2-5 hard on the arms)
A: 14:34. used .7 for kb swings.
B: haven’t been squatting nearly as low as i thought i was…
Part A: As rxd 17:25.
Part B:
Note to self: Cotton pants are not flexible enough for doing back squats!
Neil – 22:30 as rx’d
Judy – 20:47 – K2E getting closer
Part B – practiced low bar back squats by keeping my upper body straight
A. 15:34 K2E were not all as rx’d. It was a mixture of K2E, K2T and Knees up.
B. Just practice technique.
Thanks Ali and Colin. It was a great class!
A: Hands still raw in several spots from did a slacker wod of box jumps to the 24 inch box and sit ups with an abmat..3 rounds of 20 and 20…
B: Practiced not going too deep in my squats…
Thanks Kris for the help today, I appreciate it:)
A: 12:46 – KB swings sucked. Grip failing bad.
B: 135×5/185×5/205×5/205×5/205×5
Thanks Ali and Colin!
A: Made it to 15th KB swing in second round and had to call it a day. Back/hip/leg really didn’t like the swings. Didn’t want to go regress in my recovery, so swallowed my pride and stopped.
B: Really need to work on keeping chest vertical and knees out. I will also need lots of practice to master the “Cory Squat”. Still makes me giggle when I think of it!
Thanks Ali and Colin for a great and really funny class. I was bummed about having to cut the WOD short, but everyone in class lifted my spirits by being hilarious!
A: 22:06 – KB were 1.25pd. K2E started ok for the first couple of sets, then my grip started giving out and it was mostly sets of 2-4 from there on in.
B: need to work on getting a bit lower on each squat and on driving my knees outwards as I near the bottom as well.
Thanks Ali & Colin for the encouragement in part A and the pointers in part B.
1.25 pood
A: 16:53
I expected to be better at this but my grip for K2E was shot even in round 1.
KBS were sort of 11+9
K2E were sort of 5+5+5+5 degrading to 3’s by the end.
Oops forgot to post – day 9 or 10 ?? So just did B. Back squats light I think… 145??x5/5sets can’t remember exactly! Thanks Chelsea for partnering! Nice work today everyone!