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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



“Joshie” hero WOD for the board

3 rounds for time:

21 DB Snatch Right Arm

21 L Pull Ups

21 DB Snatch Left Arm

21 L Pull Ups

Coach’s notes:  For the snatches guys use 40 lbs dumbbell and gals use 20 lbs.  Snatches are full squat catch.  Scale DB snatch and L pull ups as needed.  Post time to comments.

The 9:30 am class and 6:00 pm class are available for member and drop in attendance for today’s Rememberance Day holiday.  CFC thanks our veterans.   

Comments: 12

Modified to accommodate the lack of flexibility.

DB to 20 Ibs
10 L pull-ups + 11 Knees to Elbow per set.

Time: 36:14

Only did one and a half rounds due to cough. Went for as long as I could keep my breathing slow and steady. Once I started breathing harder, I had to stop. Forgot to look at the time when I was done.
Also scaled snatches to 15# and did knees to elbows.
Thanks Gord!
Great work by everyone in the 9:30 class!!!

40# db
I don’t know for sure how many reps, but I noticed that as I fatigued, I developed the slightest of kips in my L pullups. Likely 10% of my reps could be challenged.

On the bright side, first time ever completing this workout. Have tried it on my own 3 other times, each time getting only about halfway when I throw in the towel.


First time for me with this workout – I thought it was only one round for time, when I realized it was 3 I could not believe it. It is one tough WOD.
Scaled the DB to 10lbs and I know that I was not squating as deep as I should.
Did knees to elbows instead of L- ups

During the warm-up I did manage to do 5 consecutive chin-ups, kind of kipping, which is a PB for me!

Monday’s WOD

160# Shoulder Press, PR had been 152 from Nov 14, 2008

7:29 row,

thought it was a PR, but that was 7:27 about a year ago

Felt a lot like WOD 1 from Saturday.
30 lbs DB
Did strict L-pullups for first 34 then arms gave out – switched to kipping for rest.

4 L-pullups in I decided there was no way I could keep as rx’d form for 126 reps, and switched to strict pullups instead. Even with strict pullups, most of the reps were singles.

35:50 with strict pullups. I never felt like I was going hard in this workout, but it never felt easy either. Just a pure strength workout.

Wanted to give my shoulders a bit of a rest so did a 1000m row instead 3:42.9 which is a PB.

No 40#db but wanted to do a hero WOD for the 11th
Randy as Rx’d – 9:07
Floor to overhead

9:30 am class
15lbs for DB snatch (quads hurt from the beginning)
Did not do L Pull ups as unable to do even one. Did Toes to bar instead.
TIME: 33 min, 17sec.
Darn it if my last week’s torn callouses have healed. Now I have 2 more fresh wounds…no pain no gain I guess. Great WOD. I thought I was going to stop after the first round.

Time: 25.56 DB snatch as rx’d. Did kipping pull ups instead of L pull ups. I can only dream of the day when I can do my first L pull up… Amazingly, my hands didn’t tear from all the pull ups tonight.

20 lb with a ‘moving/kipping’ j/L pullup and the first 10 of each pull up round then remainder k2E
32:39 thanks GORD and Laura

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