I See that I am the first to post, it is only 4:00 in the morning, where is everyone? Only slackers sleep in past 3:30 LOL
Cindy was the lady of the day.
Total rounds = 20 + 5 + 5
Totally pumped, I hope the games are at 4:00 in the morning now!
PB was 17 + 5 + 10 + 1
Bring on 22 rounds next time.
May 7th, 2008 - Pierre
Question RE:heavy thrusters in case learnt folks are reading the board this am:
– Should I rack the weight in a front squat/clean kind of postion with upper arms horizontal during the squat part of the thruster or
– Try to keep forearms vertical/under the bar in a shoulder press kind of position? I’m not sure I can do this as the load increases.
May 7th, 2008 - Chantal
CrossFit Calgary Kids is now officially affiliated. Check out http://www.crossfitkids.com for our group picture and our listing as an affiliate.
Stay tuned for more exciting information and amazing results from the ‘Next Generation’ that we are ‘Forging Future Fitness with’!
May 7th, 2008 - Paige
Congratulations Chantal and CFC Kids!!!
May 7th, 2008 - no_excuses
Kudo’s to everyone who worked on getting CrossFit Kids going.
Being of the age where physical activity was an integral part of every school day (don’t have to mention the chores at home!), it has always been hard to hear how physical activity is so minimal now both at school and home.
Here’s to our Calgary group in getting that turned around!
May 7th, 2008 - Intent
Pierre, you should have your arms out in front like the front squat/clean. Weight resting on your chest/shoulders. Incidently the elbows should be in front of the bar on a shoulder press too. Hope you get this before your workout.
May 7th, 2008 - Intent
Awesome on the CF Kids!
May 7th, 2008 - Pierre
Intent – Thanks for the info. Turns out I HAD to rack the bar as I was not capable of holding it any other way when going down into the squat.
95×3/105×1/115×1/125×1/130×1/135×1/140×1 (bwt = 158lb)
Did not go to failure.
Post: OHS & squat flexibility and Oly lifting technique work.
May 7th, 2008 - Intent
good work Pierre. Also FYI, do the technical O-lifting prior to the workout as it will be a great CNS warm up. Then do the OHS and squat stuff post workout. The general rule of thumb is dynamic work first (O-lifting) and static (FS/BS/OHS) last.
May 8th, 2008 - GMAN
Way to go CFC
May 8th, 2008 - Kelley
70/75/80/84/88/93Failed/93 Got it! Didn’t go further as it was already 10 min past the class end!
May 8th, 2008 - funinthesun
70/75/80/84/88/93 failed/93 failed
May 8th, 2008 - GrantKathleen
G: …152×2/157×1/159.5×1/163×1/166×1/171.5/176×1/181.5×1/186×1(f)
first time at single thrusters
way to go Don to make it to 196
I See that I am the first to post, it is only 4:00 in the morning, where is everyone? Only slackers sleep in past 3:30 LOL
Cindy was the lady of the day.
Total rounds = 20 + 5 + 5
Totally pumped, I hope the games are at 4:00 in the morning now!
PB was 17 + 5 + 10 + 1
Bring on 22 rounds next time.
Question RE:heavy thrusters in case learnt folks are reading the board this am:
– Should I rack the weight in a front squat/clean kind of postion with upper arms horizontal during the squat part of the thruster or
– Try to keep forearms vertical/under the bar in a shoulder press kind of position? I’m not sure I can do this as the load increases.
CrossFit Calgary Kids is now officially affiliated. Check out http://www.crossfitkids.com for our group picture and our listing as an affiliate.
Stay tuned for more exciting information and amazing results from the ‘Next Generation’ that we are ‘Forging Future Fitness with’!
Congratulations Chantal and CFC Kids!!!
Kudo’s to everyone who worked on getting CrossFit Kids going.
Being of the age where physical activity was an integral part of every school day (don’t have to mention the chores at home!), it has always been hard to hear how physical activity is so minimal now both at school and home.
Here’s to our Calgary group in getting that turned around!
Pierre, you should have your arms out in front like the front squat/clean. Weight resting on your chest/shoulders. Incidently the elbows should be in front of the bar on a shoulder press too. Hope you get this before your workout.
Awesome on the CF Kids!
Intent – Thanks for the info. Turns out I HAD to rack the bar as I was not capable of holding it any other way when going down into the squat.
95×3/105×1/115×1/125×1/130×1/135×1/140×1 (bwt = 158lb)
Did not go to failure.
Post: OHS & squat flexibility and Oly lifting technique work.
good work Pierre. Also FYI, do the technical O-lifting prior to the workout as it will be a great CNS warm up. Then do the OHS and squat stuff post workout. The general rule of thumb is dynamic work first (O-lifting) and static (FS/BS/OHS) last.
Way to go CFC
70/75/80/84/88/93Failed/93 Got it! Didn’t go further as it was already 10 min past the class end!
70/75/80/84/88/93 failed/93 failed
G: …152×2/157×1/159.5×1/163×1/166×1/171.5/176×1/181.5×1/186×1(f)
first time at single thrusters
way to go Don to make it to 196
K: 85/90.5/95.5/98/100.5(f)/100.5(f)/100.5/103(pb)
Thanks Brett
also…welcome back Mike
Had to sub in Front Squats do to a tweaked shoulder.
105/105/135(f)/115/115/115/115/115 (bw = 162)
They don’t call me Chicken Legs for nothing! Think I’ve got to work on technique here. Felt like more of a push jerk than a thruster.
74/79/84/89/91.5 failed/91.5 failed/ 91.5 gotcha.
74/79/84/89/99/104 failed/104 failed/101.5
I made my goal of breaking 100lbs
Thanks for the encouragement Paige.