Wednesday, May 30, 2018

2018 Regional Event 5
For time complete:
50 Handstand Push-ups
50 Toes to Bar
50 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
50 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs – 70#, 24”/50#, 20”
50 ft. Right Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
50 ft. Left Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
Coach’s notes:
For walking lunge, one dumbbell is overhead, one is held at the shoulder. Post time to complete to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
30:30?, rx’d format with 40#DB
Nice work 7’am.
Thanks OG
23:53 broke it up 40/40/25/10/10/15/did all 50 steps with 20#/rowed last 10/all 50 WL at 25#
Next time challenge the weight more and do 50 of each without breaking it up.
Good job 7 a.m.
Thanks Colin!
24:49, scaled box step overs to 20″, everything else rx’d.
Fun one, went pretty conservative, I was scared, and it ended up not being too bad.
Did 2 rounds of 25 of each movement, used 50# dbs, 24″ box step overs the long way.
Thanks Colin!
Did 2 rounds of 25.
Used 40# DBs and 20” Box.
Time was approximately 25:00.
HSPU’s were tough today after doing tempo HSPU last night.
50# and 20”
Men’s Rx until 17:00 time cap – 10 cals on bike
Ladies Rx until 22:00 time cap – 10 stepovers
30:00 time cap – 60’ R lunge – dumbass!
33:06 finish followed by tears of joy and sweat angels.
Thanks for the lift up Wednesday. Although now I feel immense pressure to perform like a trained monkey.
Thanks OG. Appreciate the cheering at the end 6pm!
22:15 divides into 2 rounds of 25
Lots of scaling:
Push ups off the box
T2B: mix of rx’d and feet as high as possible
25# DBs
Thanks OG
Well done pushing through Bryan, Marla and Phil
20# dumbbells
Push-ups off box
Knee ups
Partitioned as prescribed
Delightful time with the 7pm class. Thanks for letting me suffer along with you. Thanks OG 🤙🏼
HSPU off box
Everything else as RX
Those walking lunges at the end. Wowsers 😜
Thanks OG
Great work 6 pm!
thanks OG for the coaching –
pretty conservative, but did get a good workout in nonetheless
PU off the box
toes to bar
35# over 20″
25# lunges
Thanks OG!
This workout made me cry at the end.
Time: 20:51
T2B: Rx
Rower: Rx
Box step overs: I used 50# dumbbells with the 24″ box. Brook it up into 5 steps with 7-10 sec rest
Lunges: I used 50# (but I could have gone heavier).
Lets do more box step overs. That move took my soul.