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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, May 27, 2009



As many rounds in 20 minutes:


Run 400m

Max rep Pull-ups


Coach’s notes:  Post number of rounds completed and number of pull-ups in each round to comments.


Compare to September 12, 2008


There are some changes to the class schedule effective June 1st.  Click here to view.

POSE Running classes will be offered starting June 14.  Click here for more details


Comments: 20

7 rounds (full) completed as rx’d… 15+12+11+11+8+8+10… 75 pull-ups

6 rounds + 200 m run w/ grn assisted band pu’s…8+6+6+5+5+5 = 35 total

5 rnds + part run (200-300m ?), green band
16/12/12/10/12 (total – 62)

6 rounds, 63 pull ups

Rick 7 runs, 80 pull ups
Adelle 6.5 runs, 68 pull ups with blue band

7 rounds + 50m
30/20/13/13/13/13/14 = 116 pull ups

6 runs, 56 pull-ups blue band

Neil 6 runs, 5 rds pullups = 59 (blue band assisted)
Judy 5 rounds + 200 m run with blue band assisted pullups = 56

This time
31/15/13/11/10/11 = 91 – 6 rds plus 100 m
Last time
16/8/6/5/8/6/2 = 51 – 7 rds (later in the running season)

5 rounds + 51 blue band assisted PU.
Tried for a 6th round was coming back into the parking lot when I heard the buzzer go off. ?350 meters

First time doing this one, and first time doing butterfly pull-ups in a workout. 105 pulls over 6 rounds of running. Just a terrible runner. 30-20-15-11-16-13 (bell struck at rep 13 in the last round) More BF practice and I expect to get this up there better. Great work everyone

6 rounds + about 300M run
65 PU’s (13,11,12,10,10,9)

Nice work Blaine! By the way, we’re going out-of-town this weekend, so no need to bring “the goods” to class on Sunday. Bring them the following Sunday if you can;)

6 rounds + 300 or so of a run/waddle. Blue band assisted pull ups – 17/17/9/11/8/8 = 70
Felt like I weighed about 300lbs for those last few runs, I would have really appreciated a taxi. Oh, yes, but it was indeed another lovely workout.

7 rounds + 96 pullups (22/15/12/11/11/11/14)

Pullups actually felt really good tonight. Runs were fairly slow, but on the whole I’m pretty happy with this workout.

Unfortunately today was not a good day for me; my injuries really acted up. During the second round of running, my left calf started cramping up / hurting. By the fourth round, the pain was almost unbearable. And then to add to the disaster, my left hand went numb. Decided to stop at that point and not continue to push myself. Really disappointed. Let’s hope for a fast recovery!
So, finished 3.5 rounds. Pull-ups with blue band: 15/16/13

6 rds + 250m
90 pullups 15/15/15/15/15/15

i think i could push hard on the pull ups

OH OH Correction for Neil – pullups = 75 whoops previous post was Alyssa’s pullups

7 rnds + 200m, 93 pullups.
25/16/something something /9

So tired. Rest day will be wonderful.

7 runs, 70 pull-ups as rx’d
Found difficult to breathe on this one
Day after still feeling it. Hard workout!

8 runs
35/20/15/15/15/15/15/10=140 pullups

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