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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Split Jerk  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Coach’s notes:  Post load to comments.

Compare to February 7, 2010

Comments: 17


75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135.
Shy of my PR (145).

70/75/80/85/87.5/90(f)…new PR 87.5# Thank you, Brett. Great job this morning, compradres 🙂

made 205 failed at 225

(85×2/95×2)warm up 100/105/110/115/120/125/130(PR) felt good – didn’t go to failure* thought I’d end on good note! try for higher next time!
Thanks Brett – 9:30 class did great! – Tracey, glad you are back!!

75/85/95/100/105/110/115 (fx1)
10# less than my PR – yikes!

Great lifting, Katrin! It was fun lifting together again. 🙂

115/120/125/130/135/140/145(f) – tied PR

125 thru 135 were ugly. Committed to popping and dropping for 140 and had no problem. Tried 145 at home but wasn’t even close.

I didn’t find any information about a previous PR for my split jerks so I wasn’t sure what to work toward. I perhaps could have gone higher but my form started looking questionable.

Hey Michelle, Hope you read these comments today….is it possible for you to contact me over email? nfarries1@hotmail.com

185 PR
190 F

85×3/95/100/105/110/115 (PR by 10#)
Ran out of time; didn’t make it to a fail.
It was fun lifting with you Amy! You did great considering how long it’s been!

Judy – got up to 74lbs and ran out of time. Watched what I ate today and felt good..could of kept going.
Neil – 115/125/135/145/155/165(f), did a couple at 150 to finish off also switched back from left foot forward to right foot forward at 145# and it felt much stronger pretty sure I can get the 165+ next time. Ate my usual politically incorrect high fat, high cholesterol, low carb stuff… be interested in knowing what the fire breathers eat…

182.5# went for 190 but failed three times

Worked up to 125(pr) tried 130 and failed. I need to make sure I hold it in the rack position without letting it slide down before lifting- having a chest would help here! Good class, thanks Brett for the tips!
Nice work Anita!!!

Worked up to 165#. PR by 5#, tried 170 but failed.

Thanks Katie for pushing me to do more then I thought I could.
Great class Brett!!


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