Wednesday, March 4, 2009
“Filthy Fifties”
1 Round for time:
50 Box Jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 KB Swings, 1 pood
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press, 45 lbs
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallballs, 20/12 lbs ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to October 21, 2008
Due to city inspection and equipment shipment delays we will need to delay our CFC HQ opening by one week. Classes will be operating out of OPT as usual from March 1, – March 7, 2009. Official opening of the new facility will be on Sunday, March 8. Membership fees will be prorated to reflect this delay. For more information or inquiries please contact .
CFC HQ will be hosting a gymnastics certification on July 25 and 26. Click here for more details and to register.
Those hands look like they’re from a slasher movie…
Time – 31:48…not exactly as rx’d. Last 20 push press included a little lift from the legs and did 100 skips instead of the DU’s. If I never do this WOD again, it’ll be too soon.
My favourite workout (except for the burpees)!
29:02 – used a 22″ box and 22# ball
Once again the burpees are the death of me. I was under 20 minutes going into the burpees and spent 8:06 on the burpees. All burpees were chest to deck, as those are the only kind I know…
38:33 as RX’d. This went really well until the wallballs and then I just fell apart. Nice job on the sub 30 Cory.
Started on wallballs
As Rx’d
34:35 – 9 minutes faster than last time, mainly on double unders and wall balls
Adelle 40:25 – 5 mins+ slower than last time in Sept. Scaled 8lb for wallball, 20″ box jump others as rx’d
Rick 30:40 scaled 14lb for wallball and did not do chest to deck for burpees – missed that part of the instructions.
We will be sore all over tomorrow. Thanks
Neil 34:45 scaled 20″ Box Jumps and 100 Singles for DU
Judy 30:03 scaled 20″ BJ, 21 lb KB, 22lb PP, sub 50 cal row for burpees and wall balls
As rx’d 27:37 PB by 2 minutes!
as rx’d, 25:44 (I think)
previous PB – 29:34 (july ’08)
Welcome back Paige and Dale!!! Grant, missed you a lot, but know that with the ‘Big Dawgs’ is where you belong!
K: 25:47 [prev Feb 24 ’09 26:50; prev Sept ’08 26:33; prev Apr 29 ’08 27:17
Yeah burpees!
20″ box, 10lb wb, 26lb kb, 120 skips (can’t seem to get the du thing yet).
Sept 08 – I only completed 8 of the 10 fifties in 43 minutes. I’m very excited with my progress!
As rx’d 31:19 after a hockey game (first time in my life) and after a Big Mac which I felt like puking! 🙂
Alvaro nice work! I’m glad to see my pointers on double unders helped you blow through them… N