Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A. High bar Back Squat – 2-4 reps @ 30×0 x 7 sets, rest 2:00-3:00
B. 5 sets of 30 unbroken double unders – rest as needed between sets.
Coach’s notes: Post load for each set in back squat and number of attempts to get the 5 sets of 30 double unders.
final set was 165 x 3 at rx’d tempo- failed the 4th rep. 155 x 4, 145 x 4, etc for previous sets.
2 mis-starts on DU’s but didn’t miss a set once i got started. so 7 attempts to get 5 rounds of DU’s.
65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125. Started by doing 4 reps, ended with 2 reps.
Messed up 2 sets of DUs but finished 5 sets unbroken. I will have to do some more work on the “slow version” of DU’s. That is waaaay beyond my level of coordination at this point.
Good work today Twerp’s Army 😉
Judy – 43/55/60/65/70/75/80 all x 4 reps. Could of kept going but wanted to give myself enough time to do DUs which turned out to be many rounds with broken DUs. The most I did unbroken was 21.
Neil/Alvaro Levine – Neil – warmup – 135 x 4 x 3, 155 x 4, 175 x 4, 185 x 4 x 2, running out of time so then tried to relax and do DU’s but in the battle between suck and talent suck ran roughshod over talent … again….
A. 85×4/95×4/105×4/115×3/115×4/120×4/125×4
B. As rx’d. After about 10-12 attempts finally got 5 sets of 30 unbroken. In between were sets of 27/4/21/25/29.
Thanks Brett! I enjoyed this WOD.
125×4 / 135×4 / 145×3 / 145×4 / 145×2 / 145×2 / 145×2
5 sets of 30 Double unders. No additional attempts.
Was a fun one…nice job everyone!
B:29/30/28/28/29..I had two extra sets with 10 and 13. Unbroken sets of 30 would have been fantastic but, I think for me to get there would have taken way tooo long and knowing that the gym closes at 9, not midnight I was happy with my results as they were. All the same, it was a good wod, thanks Brett! Nice job tonight Anita on your back squat!
A: 65×4/75×4/85×4/95×4/100×4/105×2/105×1
B: First set tripped on rep 27. Then did all 5 sets without further fails.
Thanks Brett!
A: 75×4/95×4/105×4/115×4/120×2/120×4/125×3
B: 5 sets in 5 attempts of unbroken DU’s.
A: 185×4, 205×4, 225×4, 230×3, 235×3
B: DU’s suck!