Wednesday, March 24, 2010
1 round for time:
1 Deadlift
1 round of Cindy
2 Deadlift
1 round of Cindy
3 Deadlift
1 round of Cindy…….
until you reach 10 Deadlift and 1 round of Cindy
Coach’s notes: Guys use 250 lbs and gals 165 lbs for the deadlift. 1 round of Cindy is 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats. Post time to complete to comments.
If any one is going up to the Crossfit sectionals on Saturday and coming home Saturday night and wants to car pool let me know. Willing to give gas money and buy starbucks for the drive.
Whut? Chemists can do pullups?? Atta boy Juan!
there is now 1 spot available for SUNDAYs for TT Oly with DJ. email me at admin at crossfitcalgary dot ca to register. and there are still spots available for saturdays at 12:30.
18:25 – 135 lb DL and blue band. Ouch
Neil – 22:30 – 205lb DL
Judy – 28:03 – 115lb DL, blue band PU, pushups from knees…very disappointed in my time – wow, and I thought I wasn’t taking alot of breaks
What a good thing that Brett is a patient soul.
41:06 as Rx.
(had to do one more set of squats at the end as the sight of the dead lift made me forget them in round 2!).
22:07 as rx’d Thanks DJ!
185# – 16:03 min
15:59 as rx’d. Push ups took forever
Don’t think I hit this as hard as I could have. Was intimidated by the bar, rested too much between DL sets.
I would love to see some big dawgs do the spealler vs. kalipa version of this wod and compare times. a.k.a. 155 clean and jerk instead of DL. Beat spealler!
20:10 as rx’d.
Too much resting for me too. The last two rounds were glacial…
Due to health reasons only did 5 rounds and decreased the deadlift weight to #145. Also took it easy to keep breathing slow and steady.
Thanks Trevor. It was nice to see you!
Move up DL weight next time.
13:20 as rxd. Lot of fun doing class
20:10 as rx’d
blue-band PUs
Push ups from knees
But all DLs rx’d!
14:32 as Rx’d
As Rx’d
Brutal pace Pierre – my turn next time to set the bar