Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A1. Rope Climb – 1 rep X 7 sets, rest 90s
A2. Switch Lunges – 30s X 7 sets, rest 90s
Coach’s notes: Follow rest prescriptions exactly. In both A and B work on speed and consistency of movement from set to set. Ideally set 1 will look just like set 7. Post notes to comments.
Cannot make the Open on Saturday afternoon, anyone wanting to partner up during open gym on Saturday to film the first workout for submission? Im no Spielberg, but I have a flip cam
Allison I will be at open gym and can film it for you. But you will have to show me how to use the camera.
I can’t make it Saturday either so we will be there with a video camera tonight around 6:30 p.m. Allowing half an hour for hair, make-up and wardrobe we should be rolling around 7 p.m.
Thanks for a good laugh Jeff!
Thanks for the offer Jeff, but can’t make it tonight either, the life of a Diva. Good luck, make sure you film your good side.
Sounds great Chad.
If anyone ever needs help filming feel free to give me a call. I am on holidays for the next few weeks so I should be able to come help out. 403-589-9007.
4 rounds (Company Gym) for time:
15 Hang Squat Clean (DB) 45#
30 Push-ups
13:06 as Rx’d
As rx’d. The rope climb actually became easier as I went through the sets as I was able to figure out how to use my legs?! The lunges were a grunt but stay consistent. Thanks DJ.
Did the qualifier WOD’
Men’s 50-54
2 rounds plus 21 DU
WOD 1 from yesterday:
As many rounds of 3x Bench Press (scaled 95#) and 5x Squats (scaled 115#)
Total 12 rounds
WOD 2: Today’s
Total time: 24:31
1) a) rope climb-made it to the top b) 26 switch lunges
2) full climb b) 26
3) 3/4 climb b) 24
4) 1/4 climb (fore arms gave out on me) b) 24
5) 3/4 climb b) 22
6) 3/4 b) 23
7) 3/4 b) 24
first official wod with the rope, ‘got the burn to prove it.
Had to do this at home. Don’t have rope, so subbed with strict pull-ups as they need lots of work. Wasn’t sure about the number per rounds, but wanted to stay consistent throughout the WOD, so went with 3. Seemed to be a good number for me at this point, even though I struggled a bit more during the last two rounds.
All 7 rounds: 3 strict pull-ups and a consistent 26 reps of switch lunges
Sure missed the company during each 90 sec. rest period!
A1: all rope climbs to top
A2: 30/29/32/30/30/28/29
Fun class as always, thanks Laura!! Nice work in the 9:30!
Fun WOD! Times per round for the rope climb were all around 15-20s, and switch lunges were 30-32. Starting to get a good feel for the foot work on the climbs.
Thanks Michelle; great work 8pm crew!