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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A1.     Rope Climb – 1 rep X 7 sets, rest 90s
A2.     Switch Lunges – 30s X 7 sets, rest 90s
Coach’s notes:  Follow rest prescriptions exactly.  In both A and B work on speed and consistency of movement from set to set.  Ideally set 1 will look just like set 7.  Post notes to comments.

Comments: 14

Cannot make the Open on Saturday afternoon, anyone wanting to partner up during open gym on Saturday to film the first workout for submission? Im no Spielberg, but I have a flip cam

Allison I will be at open gym and can film it for you. But you will have to show me how to use the camera.

I can’t make it Saturday either so we will be there with a video camera tonight around 6:30 p.m. Allowing half an hour for hair, make-up and wardrobe we should be rolling around 7 p.m.

Thanks for a good laugh Jeff!

Thanks for the offer Jeff, but can’t make it tonight either, the life of a Diva. Good luck, make sure you film your good side.

Sounds great Chad.

If anyone ever needs help filming feel free to give me a call. I am on holidays for the next few weeks so I should be able to come help out. 403-589-9007.

4 rounds (Company Gym) for time:
15 Hang Squat Clean (DB) 45#
30 Push-ups
13:06 as Rx’d

As rx’d. The rope climb actually became easier as I went through the sets as I was able to figure out how to use my legs?! The lunges were a grunt but stay consistent. Thanks DJ.

Did the qualifier WOD’
Men’s 50-54

2 rounds plus 21 DU

WOD 1 from yesterday:
As many rounds of 3x Bench Press (scaled 95#) and 5x Squats (scaled 115#)
Total 12 rounds

WOD 2: Today’s

Total time: 24:31

1) a) rope climb-made it to the top b) 26 switch lunges
2) full climb b) 26
3) 3/4 climb b) 24
4) 1/4 climb (fore arms gave out on me) b) 24
5) 3/4 climb b) 22
6) 3/4 b) 23
7) 3/4 b) 24
first official wod with the rope, ‘got the burn to prove it.

Had to do this at home. Don’t have rope, so subbed with strict pull-ups as they need lots of work. Wasn’t sure about the number per rounds, but wanted to stay consistent throughout the WOD, so went with 3. Seemed to be a good number for me at this point, even though I struggled a bit more during the last two rounds.

All 7 rounds: 3 strict pull-ups and a consistent 26 reps of switch lunges

Sure missed the company during each 90 sec. rest period!

A1: all rope climbs to top
A2: 30/29/32/30/30/28/29
Fun class as always, thanks Laura!! Nice work in the 9:30!

Fun WOD! Times per round for the rope climb were all around 15-20s, and switch lunges were 30-32. Starting to get a good feel for the foot work on the climbs.

Thanks Michelle; great work 8pm crew!

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