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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A.  Tabata intervals for reps of:

  1. Ring Dips
  2. V-ups
  3. Strict Pull-ups
  4. Medicine Ball Clean
  5. Kettle Bell Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood

B. Practice scales and/or L-sits for 15-20 minutes.

Coach’s notes:

Post reps per movement per round and all totals to comments, plus notes for scales and L-sit work.

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Comments: 1

A. in the order as written. Gave up trying to track reps after the second movement.
RDs – 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/= 36 reps
V-ups – 10 per round = 80 reps. These got a little messy at the end.
PUs – no idea. Finished with sets of 3 and 2.
MBCs – again no idea. Focused on doing them properly and efficiently.
KBs – rx’d the weight and did about 15s of work each round and the rested for 15s.

Great to see you Todd! Good work 9:30am.

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