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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A.  Work to a 5 rep, unbroken box jump for max height in 10 minutes.

B.  2017 Granite Games Qualifier Workout 2

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 6 minutes of:

6 Deadlift – 225#/155#

6 Bar Facing Burpees

Coach’s notes:

Post results for A and B to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 13

A. Up to 39″
B. 7 rounds + 6 DL RX’d
Thanks OG

A. Was too stiff and sore for box jumps this morning
B. RX’d –8 rounds +9 reps into the next round

Thank you so much OG and 6 AM class

A) 36″
B) 6 rounds RX’d-need to speed my burpees up!
Good job 7 a.m.
Thanks Colin!

Are you sure that you were that stiff and sore Mandi at 8+ rounds!! Good job

A. 39′
B. Rx’d 6 rounds plus 6 DL + 1 burpee
Thanks Josh!

A) 48″
B) 6 rounds 6DL + 5 burpee
Thanks josh and Brett, great work 10am’ers

A. Did 2x 30# WB max sets with 5min between
15/17. Not bad considering my love of WB
B. WOD: 7 rounds + 6 DL + 5 Burpees
Crawled the shit out of the last 2 rounds!
DL were a nice distraction.

Great job 5pm.

Up to 52.25″.
8 rounds plus 4 deadlifts. Good job 6pm class!
Thanks Michelle and Kim 🙂

45″. Had more in me, but I ran out of time
7 round even. The deadlifts killed me, add them to the list…
Then I did 1 peg board EMOM for 10min. Failed on the last one half way up. That wore the grip down after the WOD!

Awesome job everyone!

Rxd 7 rds plus dl plus 3 burp. Did yesterday and worked up to 150# thanks kimmer and Michelle 🙂

8 rounds +6 Rx’d.

Thanks Michelle and Kim!

A. 47″ from a static start.
B. 10 rounds seemed like it was in the realm, but burpees at the end got me. 9 rnds+ 5.

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