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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

7 rounds for time:

10 Jumping Pull Ups

10 Abmat Sit Ups

10 Hang Squat Clean

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lb dumbbells per hand and gals use 30 lb dumbbells for the hang squat cleans.  Pull ups must be 12 inches above both your hands fully extended overhead.  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 24

Coach, what are abmat sit-ups?

Did not have an ab mat at the “Y” so did regular sit-ups. Hang squat cleans take the stuffing out of you in a hurry. 7 rounds = 9:23

1st round w/ jumping pu’s then switched to grn band assisted for the rest (think I gave up too soon)…regular sit-ups w/ 30# hang things…good, tough WOD for me.

Time = 29:20

Blue band PUs for first four rounds, then green band for last three rounds
Used 20 lbs for hang squat cleans

I’m confused by the JPU description. From what I can read, they are not the “regular” jumping pullups where the bar is at wrist height. In this case the bar is 12″ above tips of fingers and you have to jump, catch the bar and pull yourself up (GI jane style) Right??

skinny grace at 85lbs-4:06 , nice work Erin and Stacey!

Jumping pull-ups per my description above, except the bar was only 8″ above my reach. Still made the pull-ups quite demanding.
Sit-ups were regular, unanchored (no abmat avail)
Hang squat cleans with 45lb DB as Rx’d. Quite heavy for me.

14:07 as Rx’d

I thought that jumping chins meant that your arms were fully extended while remaining connected to the floor or platform. If I had done them the way Pierre did my time would have been way higher. Pierre you are a beast!

Pierre you were correct. Today was a “true” jumping pull-up as per the description, with the bar 12 inches out of reach.

I may have a problem with this one then…

Lots of scaling..25lb dumbell cleans (ohh, those were hard today) and only 4 true jumping pull ups per round as recommended by Brett. 16:11 (I think or 17:11). Next time I hope to do it as rx’d. Thanks Brett.

Scaled to 25# dumbbells, and jumping pullups on the short bar (1 or 2″ above hands)


Adelle – Jumping Pull-ups were not true, but jumped and pulled up for 2 and then did the remaining 8 with blue band for each round. Scaled the DB to 15lbs. Another good one.

Highest bar, not sure how many inches above.
Felt this one.

19:52 modified to band-assisted PU, first 3 rounds 20 lbs per hand for HSC and changed to 15 lbs for remainder.

Neil – 35 lb DB & highest bar JP 28:52
Judy – 15 lb DB & blue band assisted pullups to collar bone – that was my target – missed some 22:24

24:07 subbing jumping pullups to rings approximately 14″ overhead.

Crazy time for such a heavy workout Francis. Never scale again!

pull ups were to some point 6-8 inches above my reach? not really sure..

25 lb DB & low bar JP 17:24

Pull-ups hurt me on this one more than I expected, will give you guys a break there over the next few days.
Good hard work everyone!

16:11 (you were right Katie!)
did 5 true pullups (as recommended by Brett)
25# DB (scaled)
Next time… hope to do all as Rx’d!

Used green band and did chest-to-bar pullups and used 15# DB

30lb per arm for HSC
Jumping Pullups were limited to only at my finger tips.

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