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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Regionals Workout 14.7 – For time complete:

64 pull-ups
8 Overhead Squats – 205#/135#

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete to comments. For Regionals in 2014, this overhead squat was taken from the floor and the time cap was 6:00.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 5

3:46 scaled. Pull-ups went well, finished in just over 2min – maybe 2:15ish?
Went unbroken on the squats, worked at 95#. In hindsight might have gone a touch heavier on these, but they are huge weakness and I was quite worried about taking them from the floor. Haven’t done the clean to the back to the snatch press deal hardly ever, wasn’t sure how the shoulders would tolerate that. Anyway, fun little sprint!

Thanks OG!

Was a little bummed out with this one today. Love short couplets, kinda my jam, especially when they involve pull-ups. Had a decent WOD last week with the Split jerk, as this was the first time I attempted putting more than 200# over my head in a while, it felt OK, so I was hoping today would go well, but it did not.

Broke the Pull-ups purposely as 25/20/11/9, came off the bar around 2 mins.
After 3 attempts, managed to get the bar stable overhead, but did 2 reps and decided that I needed to stop. Dropped to 185# and finished the next 6 reps. Forgot to get my exact time but it was between 6-7:00.
Felt even more bummed when I looked at my 2015 time (we did this Thursday, April 30, 2015), it was 2:30.

5:38 Rx’d.

Thanks Colin!

@ Kelowna CrossFit. Did Nancy today: 14:37 Rx. First time so I was happy with the result.

Pullups: 12/12/10/10/5/5/5/5 in 2:40
OHS @ 185: Tried to go unbroken but got a bit unstable and failed on my 7th rep, reset and finished up the last 2 reps but they were pretty wobbly


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