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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

As many reps in 5 minutes:

DB Squat Clean and Jerk

Row as many calories in 5:00

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lbs per hand and gals use 30 lbs per hand.  Cleans must be full squat catch.  There is no break between exercises.  Post number of clean and jerk reps and total calories in row to comments.

Compare to May 19, 2009

Important Reminder – the holiday class schedule will be in place for the upcoming holiday on Monday August 3rd.  The 9:30 am and 6:00 pm class will be available for member attandance.


Comments: 17

26 DB Clean and Jerk (Scaled to 25)
69 Calories

32 DB clean & Jerk (scaled to 22.5)
58 calories


OH MY GOSH- this wod killed me. I still feel sick hours later…
Rx’d 22
60 Cal

Great Work Out! Awsome job everyone!

Does anyone know how the rowing machines calculate calories rowed? I’m trying to get some ballpark numbers for calories/min based on pace/500m. When I convert the pace to watts and then try to convert that to calories/min I ending up out by a factor of 4-5…

Scaled DB to 20lbs per hand – 27 reps
70 calories

Neil 40 lbs DB – 28 reps / 73 calories
Judy 20 lbs DB – 26 reps / 63 calories – damper 4.5
Congratulations Katrin for getting your first unassisted pullup! Yahhhh!!

29 reps / 74 calories. as rx’d

24 reps Rx’d
92 cals

Doesn’t really answer the question, but here is an interesting link:
concept2 *dot* com/us/interactive/calculators/calorie.asp

If you weight less than 175 it actually decreases your # of calories? Don’t quite understand this.

This one is kind of cool too.

concept2 *dot* com/us/interactive/calculators/vo2max.asp

Thank you Judy and Neil and of course everyone else who watched me get my first pullup! I am so excited and can hardly believe that it happened. WOOHOO!!!!! 🙂

As for the workout:
20# DB – 31 reps
55 calories at damper 3 (should have increased intensity earlier in the row. even though I was gassed, I felt that I had a few more hard strokes in me.)

Congrats on your first pull up Katrin!!!! That first one is so hard to come by and so sweet when you get it!!!!

25 C&J scaled to 40#
108 calories at damper 7

I started pushing the row at 4:15, but I probably could have started a bit earlier and held on until the end. Paced the first 4 minutes at around 1:45/500m.

To answer your question Francis, I would think the calorie calculation is based on the force applied to the handle for each stroke. So it assumes a mass of the rower and measures the acceleration of the chain for each pull (which with the length and duration of each stroke gives you the wattage). The damper setting factors in to this somehow…

For more information on this and the answer to my previous question, check out: www *dot* atm *dot* ox *dot* ac *dot* uk/rowing/physics/index.html

Warning! It is pretty heavy on the physics…

Basically when I converted watts to calories/min I was coming up short because the rowing machine assumes that the human body is only 25% efficient at converting food energy into mechanical energy.

36 C&J with 20 lb DB’s
55 cals on rower

Great WOD – short but ugly!

Hello Crossfit Calgary, I attended my first WOD with the 9:30 class and felt right at home thanks everyone 🙂 I am from Crossfit edmonton (st. albert) and just moved here to Calgary.

30 SC&J (32lb) used barbell for stability, have shoulder issues on right side
48 Calories (thats what happens when you dont go to crossfit for 2 months yikes)

Thanks again look forward to meeting everyone over time.

Scaled to 30
40 reps
72 Calories

22 reps Rx’d (45 #)
88 cals
Since when you scale down such an easy WOD Cory!!!!???

26 reps with 30. 74 cals on the row

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