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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Front Squat  3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Coach’s notes:  Post loads used to comments.

Compare to January 10, 2010

Comments: 19

My ABSOLUTE favorite picture from the games!!!!
Especially after hearing that Rebecca thought I had passed out on her back since I was flopping around so much :o)
Oh the memories!!!

It’s true…I thought if I have to drag you over the line I will!! At this point in the run Ali’s arms were flopping around like a rag doll.
So much fun!!!!

115, 140,165,185, 195 (New PR),200×1 and failed.
Great class and we even practised some double-unders! 😉

180# x 3 (PR), 185# x 1 (PR by 20# from March)

i have been on doubles recently- running in the afternoon- so hips and legs are fatigued… i could feel that today but didn’t seem to affect front squat too much.

That’s an awesome picture!!!
125,145,155,160,165,170×2 and failed! (PR in there for 3’s)
Superset with Chest to Bar Pullups 10,10,10,7,10
Thanks Laura!!! great work everyone!! Fun class!!

It is a great shot, it looks like fun!
I worked on form today on my front squats to a max of 67. I think it’s coming
Thanks Laura for the coaching – I really need it!
Great work everyone – Krista your chest to bars are great!

Rebecca !!! I want more bars!!!!
Blaine, put her to cook them, i ran out and i miss them……

215(my last 3 rep front squat)/225/245/255/275

Thanks DJ

115×3 ( stayed at this weight for the last couple of sets due to poor tech)
Thanks DJ.

255x 3
260×2 failed on 3rd

felt like I could have done more but ran out of time.
Thanks for your tips DJ!


165/175/185/195/205 x3
215 x1

Worked to 255. Only almost passed out once. Thanks for the tips DJ, I’ll try to use them better next time

75, 95, 105, 115, 125, ran out of time


185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 220 / 225 (1)
Lack of flexibility in shoulders really shows here.
Great class DJ, thanks!

155 – 175 – 185 – 195 – 205 – 215 (failed)
Thanks for the help DJ!

Best run ever- on the Cabot trail – beautiful Atlantic Ocean next to me and the smell of fresh salt air in my lungs.

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