Friday, July 25, 2008
1 round for time:
35 Push up Burpies
45 Pull ups
55 Box Jumps 20″
65 DB Thrusters
Coach’s notes: For push up burpies chest must touch the floor and you must jump at the top with full extension, clapping overhead. Pull ups are chin over bar. Thrusters are 20 lbs for gals and 30 lbs for guys. Post time to complete to comments.
Want to learn to kip? CrossFit Calgary will be hosting a kipping pull up seminar on August 16, 2008 at 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Cost is $35/ person.
Contact Leighanne at to register. Spots are limited to 12.
WOD for Time
750m Row
21 135# DL
500m Row
15 135# DL
250m Row
9 135# DL
Time = 8:21
Stuff I can do, but not well…yet
18:00 as rx’d
15:10 as rx’d
Was that 30 lbs total for the guys?
Anyway, only had a pair of 25 lb DB, so went with them.
17:45 as rx’d
Used the small band for my PUs