Wednesday, July 21, 2010
1 round for time:
800 m Run
40 Pick it Up and Put it Overhead
800 m Run
Coach’s notes: Guys use 105 lbs and gals 75 lbs for the lift. Weight must start from the floor and reach full lock out overhead for each rep, you choose how to get it there. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to September 24, 2009
Run on track inside Sydney YMCA
Weights from floor and back with the lower height caused by the smaller OD.
As Rx 13:11
Fun Work Out!
11:28 as rx’d, over 3 minutes faster then last time. One of my favourite WODs, thanks DJ. Erin I am expecting a sub 11 from you.
Scaled to 62# clean and jerks
As Rx 16:35
14:59 Did power cleans instead as recommended by DJ due to shoulder issue (thanks DJ).
Chelsea you did amazing!!
11:53 as rx’d. Tried to keep up to Chelsea on last run but the legs were having none of that. Cool wod
June 09 – 85 lbs/18:36
Aug 09 – 85 lbs/16:00
Sep 09 – 85 lbs/16:03
July 10 – 95 lbs/17:10
Push jerked first 39, split jerk #40 just to be sure I got it.
Took a couple of breaths between lifts but no long breaks.
Could probably knock a minute off my time by cutting 1.5 seconds per lift.
19:24 rx’d
Lifting felt strong. The only thing that slowed me down close to the end of the lifts was hyper extending my thumb on the bar trying to catch it from a drop. The bar bounced back and hit the tip of my thumb. Ouch!
Sept 09 was 19:25 using 60lbs and I made a comment that my lifting didn’t feel strong.
12:48 as rx’d.
18 seconds slower than a year ago… First run was 3:08 (same as last year), 40 C&J 5:40 (same as last year), second run 4:00 (terrible)! My goal was to do the C&Js in under 5, and I actually thought I was still on target for that, so I may have done the last 10 slower than I could have…
15.26 as rx’d.
Should have maned up and went faster on the lifts.
15:35 as rx’d
first run approx. 3:20ish – not bad… C&J’s finished just over 10 (so 7ish) kind of ugly
last run/ummm…walk,run was horrible – did I mention I’m brutal at running? thanks Brett!! and Audra for running with me! goodness – hoping next time will be better!!!
still an improvement by :30+ from last time!
Holy speed demon Chelsea!!! nice work!!!
16:49 – Used 50# dumbbells as that’s all I had at home.
12:11 as rx’d
3 seconds slower then my best…
Was too slow on the runs… as usual…
Thanks michelle, would have been a lot slower if you weren’t yelling at me
12:19 as rx’d- used 77lbs and had it much easier than the lovely hill at cfc- ran on a track instead with Caper. Nice times above!!
17.42 – scaled to 62lbs
16:14 as rx’d
(last time on August 26th, 2009: 17:21 with 62#)
Thanks Brett!
As Rx’d
Did this on July 26th, 2010
13:38 as prescribed.
Did all 40 overheads as power clean then overhead.