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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


21, 15, 9 reps of:

Handstand push ups (HSPU)

Ring dip

Push up

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Read the article “World’s Healthiest 75 Year Old Man

Comments: 13

We want to wish all of the athletes heading to the ‘CrossFit Games’ safe travels. We hope that ‘things’, such as focus, anticipation, a willingness to stay uncomfortable just a little while longer, a cheering squad…whatever is meaningful…come together for each of you in a way that allows you to have the experience you have been imagining. It’s been inspiring to witness your dedication and hard work! HAVE FUN!!!
Michelle and Shane

HSPU were still with a limited ROM – but improving. Rest as Rx’d.

HSPU were pike from 21″ box. Somewhat pike.
Dips were bar dips 1=1
Push ups were increadably hard


7:32 as rx’d
worked on HSPU’s with hands closer, much more difficult.

Canada Invades USA at the 2nd Annual Crossfit Games – whatcha think, CNN headline?

Ditto to what Michelle and Shane said. We know you will make all of us proud – have fun!

HSPU from 36″ table. Difficulty more comparable to regular PU than HSPU. Need to go higher next time, maybe try a wall.
Subbed bar dips for ring dips.

As Rx’d

16:02 HSPU’s were mainly kipped but hands were shoulder width apart…still have to work on them as I needed too much rest to recover

Good Luck to everyone going to the games!!

As Rx’d

WOD with modifications
used 2 squishy discs for all HSPU’s except for ’21 rep’ rnd, when i used 1 disc for the first 10 reps. The rest as rx’d, except for the bathroom break and saying a quick good bye to grant and kathleen…Ring dips were the big time consumer for me.

First 25 or so HSPU’s were on two squishies then degraded to lowering myself for the rest.
Dips and push-ups were full on.

DJ- did up to 6 reps of the 15 rep round normal hspu’s with limited range of motion but still maximum haha. subbed regular dips. otherwise as rx’d 21:17

Brittany- modified 25lb shoulder press for hspu’s, assisted dips for ring dips, and push ups from knees. time: 17:50

33:20 as rx’d. Just happy to finish it! Will work on shorter breaks next time.
Good luck to everyone going to the Games – you inspire us all!

WOD in class
used 2 squishy discs (SitFit cushions 🙂 ) for all hspu, ring dips were lowering to the rings and starting over, pushups were strict

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