Wednesday, July 15, 2009
3 rounds for time:
30 Wallball
30 Hang Snatch
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20 lbs and gals use 14 lbs for the wallballs and 75 lbs and 45 lbs respectively for the snatch. Post time to complete to comments.
3 rounds for time:
30 Wallball
30 Hang Snatch
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20 lbs and gals use 14 lbs for the wallballs and 75 lbs and 45 lbs respectively for the snatch. Post time to complete to comments.
Is anyone interested in doing a bulk order of the “Every Second Counts” DVD?
The shipping cost is a lot for just a single order, but split between 5-10 people, it’s not too bad at all.
Count me in on the bulk order.
As rx’d – 18:45
20:42 – 10 lb wallball/33 lb (??) Hang snatch (medium bar with red plates 2.5 kg…5.5 lbs-I’m guessing that is 11 total or am I mistaken?)
thanks all!
17:58 as rx’d….thanks to Kris for the push at the end!
Did this on the weekend warmed up to 65# and stayed ther for some reason 16:15
18:30 using 40lb db thrusts
I would also like to get in on the DVD order, for sure. Was going to buy one the day it came out buy shied away from the 25$ shipping! Has anyone asked James about getting copies? Seeing as he’s one of the featured athletes maybe he’s got some inside info.
Basketball game tonight, so no crossfit for me… looks like a good one too. BTW got my brother to do Angie, he rocked a 19:45 as Rx’d. Not bad for his first crossfit WOD!
19:46 as rx’d
Was totally forgetting to shrug on the snatch, but Michelle caught it and fixed me up. Thanks for the push on the last round Steve and Michelle
Crazy to think that the competitors had to do that wod after 4 others on the weekend. Absolutely incredible
12 lbs wallballs and 33 lb hang snatch.
18# wallball
62# bar for first 39 snatches
56# bar for last 51 snatches
Sorry about all the spluttering.
As rx’d 29:42
27:24 as rx’d. Thanks Michelle for your great coaching and positive spirit!
Neil 39:54- 65 lb snatch
24:25 as rx’d.
As usual, post workout I questioned the length of my breaks, but they felt right at the time!
28:13 using 22# for snatch and 10# wallballs
… Had trouble doing the snatch with 33# so just used the bar.