Wednesday, January 21, 2009
32 Back Squat
9 Ring Dips
21 Back Squat
15 Ring Dips
15 Back Squats
21 Ring Dips
9 Back Squats
32 Ring Dips
Coach’s notes: Guys use 155 lbs and gals 105lbs for back squat. Post time to complete to comments.
We finally and officially have a new box!! Click here to find out more about the new CrossFit Calgary Headquarters!
as req’d
An intimidating workout!
12:00 as Req
Oh and I am a Bad Timer… Sorry Sofa king
I was getting ready to be a wimp and do bar dips when a fellow crossfitter showed up at the globo gym with rings….Had no excuse left.
As Rx’d
24:28. (7 min to do the set of 32 ring dips)
16:09 sub 98 lb squat and jumping ring dips
Bar dips (one and two at a time).
gord- as rx’d 13:21 (i think)
Laura- as rx’d 20:01
Neil 115 lbs 18:00
Judy 5000m row – 24:01
as rx’d
Ring dips were the big time consumer. Really need to improve my kip on these.
squats as rx’d
Ring dips were negatives – one day I’ll do a full dip!
Scaled to 22lbs bar, as it was my first time doing back squats. Thinking back, I could have handled a few more pounds.
Ring dips: from “locked” position lowered myself as far as I could. Felt a huge stab in my chest after the first few “dips”. Hope I didn’t injure myself…
Time: 19:37
G: 12:43 [straight thru on BS]
K: 36:28
65 lbs for BS and push ups from toes instead of RD.
Oops! the time was 15:35 not 13:35
20:40-75lbs, negative ring dips
25:05 155# and negative ring dips