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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For reps:

2:00 SDLHP
2:00 Rest
2:00 SDLHP
2:00 Rest
2:00 SDLHP
2:00 Rest
2:00 Ring Dips
2:00 Rest
2:00 Ring Dips
2:00 Rest
2:00 Ring Dips
2:00 Rest

Coach’s notes: Guys use 65 and gals 45 lbs. for SDLHP.  Post number of reps for each set and total to comments.

CrossFit Calgary is now accepting registration for the Winter session of CrossFit Kids classes.  Click here for more details. 

Comments: 16

Did yesterday’s WOD today…total time was 18:57. Had to scale back on the weight for the single arm DB snatches to 15# (ouch…maybe I wasn’t doing the ex. correctly). Finished off with one mile run around the track

SDLHP as Rx’d with steel weight…no bounce off the floor 🙁
Dips were bar dips.
SDLHP – 37/42/37
Dips – 31/20/19

Rick SDLHP 45/37/32
Dips 24/23/21 First 2 rounds were best, 3 round was mainly lowering.
Adelle SDLHP 39/31/36
Dips 19/18/21 Just lowering from top.
Thanks to everyone for the great coaching and support tonight.
Great work Chayna and Erin on your pull-ups!!!

168 total
SDLHP as rx’d, ring dips were jumping/lowering

65 lbs.

SDLHP 45/27/31 (53lbs)
Push-ups from toes 25/21/18

Gord SDLHP (95 lbs)- 44/45/27 (116)
Dips – 39/29/29 (97)
Total= 213

Laura SDLHP (65lbs) – 41/33/23 (97)
Dips- 22/17/14 (53)
Total= 150

Neil SDLHP 95 lbs 27/27/27
Dips 17/ 7 dips 13 down onl/3 dips 17 down only
Judy SDLHP 38 lbs 37/32/33
Dips (jumping with very little dips) 7(adjusting rings lst rd)/20/19

SDLHP (65#) – 42/34/36
Ring dips – 17/7/9
total = 145

Hey guys I screwed the loads up on this one. For next time the prescribed loads should be 95 lbs. for guys and 65 lbs. for gals. Damn night shifts!

G: SDHP 37 34 33 = 104
R. Dips 34 25 25 = 84
total = 188

K: SDHP 33 29 28 = 90
R. Dips 13 9 5 = 27
total = 117

SDLHP (65#) 61 52 48 = 161
DIPS (ON BARS) 37 27 28 = 92
TOTAL = 253

Couldn’t get to a gym, so had to modify.
SDLHP – used 1.5 pood kettlebell. Sub’d push-ups for ring dips.

SDHP: 55 / 51 / 54
Push-ups: 42 / 34 / 38

30-30-28 (95#)
23 (6 dips +17 down dips), 16 (6+10) & 16 (6+10)

(95#) which turned out to be alot for me!

Ring Dips

48, 38, 38 (65lbs)
20, 17, 13 (on the dip bar)
= 174

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