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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hang Squat Clean – 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


Coach’s notes:  Post load for all sets to comments.

Comments: 13

In case anyone is looking for it, the last time we did this was June 7, 2009.

2×45, 2×65,2×75,2×85, 95 (fail x 3, poor form —> power clean), 95, 100 (PR!), 105 (f), 105 (PR!)

130lbs x 1… was easy and then 135lbs didn’t go and even dropping back to 125 lbs didn’t help

65×3, 75×2, 85×2, 90×2, 95×1, 95×1, 95×1( form was good the third time), 97.5×1, 100×1, 102.5×1, 102.5×1(PR), 105(f).
Great Class DJ!

95×2, 105×2, 110×2, 115×1, 120×1, 125×1, 130×1, 130×1, 135×1(PR). Form started to go on the last couple, but still pretty happy about a PR. Great job tonight Cory and Olga. Thanks for all of the help Brett.

SO wanted to do this one!!!

220 and a muscle up

First time going for a 1 rep on this. Failed on the 2nd rep of 195, then got up to 225. Failed 235, too big of a jump…..Thanks Brett for the pointers. Great class, lots of good lifts

Times like these you really miss having another set of eyes
Then yesterdays WOD w/ 35#dbs
253 total – Crushing

52×2, 62×2, 72×2, 72×2, 77×1, 82×1, 87 fx4, 84.5 multiple fails and finally got it in an incredibly ugly lift!
Thanks Kris!

140 failed twice before getting it.


215# was a PR for me by 35 lbs from the last hang cleans done in August. While I’m pretty happy to have improved that much, I really should have had 225! The catch was strong and I thought I was golden, but the bar slipped off one shoulder and I lost it. No more slippery dry fit shirts on heavy lifting days!

some good numbers here!


Wow. My numbers seem horrible in comparison. You guys are good!

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