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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:

Clean – 135/95#

Ring Dips


Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments. 


Compare to October 2, 2010


Comments: 24

17:27 w/ 75# cleans & blue-band assisted dips (the last 4 were w/ blue/purple). Thanks, Brett.

17:15 Scaled to 125# and blue band for Ring Dips
Great work everybody at 9:30!
Thanks Brett – Hope you have a great trip to India!

9:57 – 65 lbs for cleans and blue band for dips- good wt. for today, will try 5-10 lbs more next time and two purple bands for dips.

16:0? as rx’d- very happy as I have never done that many unassisted ring dips before. I did have fleeting thoughts of lying down during the cleans (just like Erin above:)! Thanks Brett for the push and coaching and thanks Kevin for counting and encouraging- that was a great help! Krista, my friend you did amazing as per usual, congrats on your PR- that was impressive!

oops- improvement of 4 minutes from last year:)) so thank you Brett for that!!

14:49 as Rx’d

15:24 scaled to 115# Dips were unassisted, which were very slow singles near the end
Thanks Michelle

17:15, scaled to 95# and dips assisted (purple for the 21-15, and blue for the 9).

Cleans actually felt very good, which is a sure indication that the CFC program is helping, ’cause they sure didn’t feel good when I started a few months back! haha.

Ring Dips still need a bit of work; arms got quite shaky near the end of them.

Thanks Michelle!

14:28, scaled to 42# and blue band for dips.
My times and form are improving!……so time to start increasing weight….
Thanks Michelle & Colin!

Who is the nice girl on the floor?? 🙂
As rx’d 20:53

Michelle and Colin were a lot of help! Thanks!

Cleans as Rx’d
Purple band for ring dips
Thanks to the peanut gallery for pushing me to lift as Rx’d! Maybe one day I will make the board DJ:)
Thanks Michelle and Colin!

11:11 @ 70lbs and purple band assisted dips.
Thanks Colin and DJ 🙂

16:12 – Scaled to 95# cleans and purple band assisted ring dips.
Glad to be back after a 2+ month hiatus.

15:10 as Rx’d

Thanks Michelle and Colin!

15:00 as Rx’d. 9min improvement from October, mainly due to ring dips not taking half a day to complete.

Thanks Michelle and Colin

17:55 Scaled to 115 lbs and used blue band for all but first 3 ring dips.

16:52- scaled to 52lbs since I haven’t done power cleans in a while. Blue band for dips then switched to my pink band- less resistance. Great class

finally getting on the computer – 10:39 as rx’d (approx. 1 min improvement since Oct)
cleans still one at a time (drop and go) need to figure out how to do them faster, I love ring dips so that was the fun part for me
Thanks Brett! great job to everyone at 9:30 this morning, Kevin you make me laugh 🙂 Katie nice work!!! Brett and gang – have a safe, fun and fabulous time in India. It’s incredible what a difference you are making.

18:42 – modified to hang power clean with 52# for my back
Ring dips as rx’d, but REALLY slow. They have suffered big time over the last few months

Thanks Michelle and Colin!
Great tip about the rack Michelle; that was really helpful!!

AWESOME job Sarah and Chad!!!!

Great energy in the gym tonight!!! Cleans were looking SO good and just an incredible amount of heart put into the WOD tonight!!!! So inspiring…

14:15 but very scaled… flexibility is still non-existent so the shoulders and elbows were/are really sore as I try to keep my form correct. Dropped the weight all the way down to 75lbs as the elbows just couldn’t handle anything more. Form is coming along well though and I was able to stay back on my heels and keep the hips popping. Ring dips were with a purple band and I was able to blow through them, next time no band. Thanks for all of the encouragement and advice Michelle, without it I would’ve walked away mid-first set 🙂

At U of C, subbed parallel bar dips

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