Wednesday, February 24, 2010
“Filthy Fifties”
1 Round for time:
50 Box Jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 KB Swings, 1 pood
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press, 45 lbs
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallballs, 20/14 lbs ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Here’s another chance to get on the board! Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to August 7, 2009
Chelsea where are you at for this??? Let’s hook up for a head to head as planned.
SWEET!!! I will be going to the 9:30am class if you can make it, let me know.
As rx’d – 20:37
Just started following OPT to switch up my programming. Love it so far
Just so you know, the evening workout will be changed to the following.
Watch the Canada vs. Russia Quarterfinal
Every time Russia Scores – 100 burpees for time
Every time Canada Scores – 100 high fives for time
@ ogorfine – this is not OPT programming… but cool, thanks for joining us!
@ deejay – Ya I know, I followed his specific program for a bit but it’s tailored so specifically for his goals that it didn’t apply well to me. It’s how I found Xfit Calgary, but doesn’t OPT head it up and write these wods?
Question on the CFC2 this Saturday.
Are competitors allowed to bring their own rope?
Looking forward to it going to be a great afternoon.
ogorfine- the CFC programming is done by CFC head coach brett “aft” marshall
chrism- yes you can bring your own rope
Oh yes, the Filthy Fifties our very 1st WOD that Neil and I did back in the day..the next day I had to put Neil’s socks on so he could attempt to go to work..which he didn’t..I still laugh about that!! Looking forward to tonight.
25:47 as rx’d. PR by 13 minutes from a year ago. was on wallballs waaaaay too long- thanks for all the support 9:30 class
A BIG day for me. My 2010 resolution is to do all CFC workouts as prescribed…. and, now I have made that public…yikes. Thanks to great coaching (Michelle) and support from the 9:30 class, I did the FF in 41:10 though my K-E were questionable. Thanks, Chelsea for counting my double unders!
25:11 as rx’d. PR by 3 min and 29 sec, burpees at the end are just horrible. Big thanks to Michelle for the push and not letting me stop!!! Congrats Kris and Yasmin, both big accomplishments. One of my 2010 resolutions is a sub 25 Filthy Fifty, so pretty close but not quite yet….next time.
39:58 subbed- wooden box (?18″), K2E didn’t count and 12 lb WB.
Nice Job Rhiannon. Hope you make it on the board Kris.
Okay, I’m almost embarrassed to post…45:23 20″ Box, K2E didn’t count w/ 12# Wallball. Gosh, I hate this WOD. Great Job to the 9:30 crew…thanks for the encouragement, Michelle esp. the body over mind conflict happening toward the end 🙂
I’m suffering from Post-WOD amnesia..
Over 40 minutes for sure.. I remember the numbers 4, 2, 4 and 7. Not sure the order.
as rx’d except for K2E. (which have not improved in 3 years!! 🙁 )
24:20 as Rx’d. Wall balls and burpees were slow, did OK for the rest.
Neil – as rx’d – 47:25 WTF!!!
Judy – 40:07 – 20″ box, 8 lb WB – PP, wallballs were the most difficult for me
32:43 as rx’d I need a targeted training course on knees to elbows..they get me everytime. I did 5 in a row and then the rest were slow, painful singles. geesh. Despite the ________knees to elbows, I still like this workout. Thanks DJ! Nice work in the 6pm class! Ok, Chelsea it’s true, you can’t be human!:) Yazmin way to go!
Rick 25:55 scaled the wallballs to 14# and did AB mat situps instead of K2E – that really helped his time.
Adelle 33:57 used 8# for WB, 20″ box jumps and .7pood… those burpees really sucked…., but I think my wallballs are getting better – time to move up perhaps.
Great work Yazmin that an amazing time as rx’d.
31:22 as rx’d
(was at 18 minutes heading into wallballs… most had to do the toss and drop thing.. then burpees – ugh!) double unders weren’t too pretty, arms done by that point! it’s over!!!
Kris AWESOME TIME!!! Chelsea… look out Aromas – holy! I agree with Katie superhuman!!
Katie, I’ll switch you you do my burpees and wall balls I’ll do your K2Es!
Thanks DJ!!! fun class (I think) Great job to everyone on this wod
As Rx’d (except 55# good mornings for back x / 20#db/hand thrusters for wallballs)
Burpees = Roadblock
25:27 as rx’d. PR by 26 seconds.
Got to the wallballs at around 15ish, then hit a wall. Burpees were probably the worst they’ve ever been. After the first 10 I switched to dropping to the ground and pushing myself back up. I wanted to switch back to jumping up, but it felt like my body forgot how to do that…
Haha, thanks Katie and Krista. I felt VERY human when I was lying on the floor so spent that my nephew could have beat me up in a fight!!
Wow the double-under s took over 7 minutes. Very much an uncomfortable WOD.
Chris, Cory – I can relate. I sat down after 25 burpees and seriously considered stopping there. Cory telling me to keep doing them one at a time probably saved the day…thanks.
I started double unders at 29:35, I think I got all movements up to this point as rx’d but then it all went wrong on the double unders.
Lat time was 48 something
Nothing unbroken
Loads of room for improvement here
33:26 as rx’d
Wallballs were the time killer; what else is new?
(Back extensions and DU’s unbroken)
Thanks DJ!
30:51 as rx’d DJ called me twice on K2E!! Last time was 32:30 or something like that.
Wall balls are my limiting factor