Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A. 4 rounds for time(s):
Row 250m
25 Box Jumps – 20″ for all
Rest 2 minutes
B. 3 rounds for time(s):
Row 200m
15 GHD raises
Rest 3 minutes
Coach’s notes: Post times for all 4 sets in A and total working time and times for all 3 sets in B and total work time to comments.
Well, that picture says it all..that’s how we’ll all feel after this one;)
Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to comment regarding yesterday’s WOD (specifically the rope climb) and because it is late thought I would post unders today’s so that some of you would actually read this. I am wanting to really send kudos out to all of you for the amazing acheivments we are seeing. Many of you will know Judy and Neil (actually from my original Crossfit “tester” class). Watching them both hit the ceiling on rope climbs for multiple reps today was awesome. Anita, seeing you make it for the first time, equally as awesome. Yaz, Kelsey, Jeff L. for his L-rope climb, you guys are all insipring. All of you that got up on the rope and made whatever gains you made, is sooo fun for me and the rest of us to see. You guys are overcoming so much – I could watch this all day long. These are the reasons we do what we do! Fun times!
Yes for sure. Congrats to Judy and Neil! They did awesome.
Fun stuff! Hips had no pop for the box jumps today so they were very broken up… lots of stepping down. Rows felt good; well, as good as a row can fee. (Row times)
A. Total working time 8:11
1:51 (49.2)
2:05 (51.3)
2:05 (51.5)
2:10 (53.0)
B. Total working time 5:28
1:50 (40.7)
1:52 (41.4)
1:46 (39.9)
30:29…in total with rests, working time total 16:29. Tried to do GHD’s at the last round but didn’t get quite high enough.
A. Total working time – 11:14
2:44 (53.8)
3:10 (57.1)
2:57 (56.7)
2:23 (57.5) stepped on & off the box – jumping wasn’t happening
B. Total working time – 5:11
1:40 (45.6)
1:45 (46.6)
1:46 (48.5)
Hamstrings were fried at the end. I’ll pay later for this WOD. Thanks, Ali.
Homework (again)
A) OHS 65×5/75×5/95×5/105×3/110×1, still a weakness
B) DL 135×5/185×5/205×5/215×5/225×5
Thanks for the company Kelsey
A. 1:33, 2:01, 2:16, 2:20
B. not as rx’d scaled to row and 5 GHD raises as that is all I can do before my form goes
1:40, 1:24, 1:40
Did 2000 mts row in 7:59 and “Karen” in 13:25
A. 1:25, 1:50, 1:58, 1:53 Total working time = 7:06
B. 1:39, 1:49, 1:42 Total working time = 4:10
(accidentally took only 2 mins rest on B)
Thanks Kris
A. 2:08/2:20/2:30/2:28 Total working time: 9:26
B. 2:00/1:46/1:44 Total working time 5:30
GHD’s getting better! Box jumps were tough tonight.
Thanks Kris!
A: 1:59/2:11/2:16/2:23- The row actually felt good, the box jumps felt super hard today- very slow. Total time: 8:49
I felt like pretending that I had TT homework to do after A but… I’m not in TT and I knew I had to do B for my own good..
B: forgot to time for first set/1:51/1:54
I like the short row distances and I love rest time! Thanks Ali for the awesome coaching today! Rebecca, you are part rabbit:))
A. 2:25/2:33/2:41/2:41 Total time: 10:20
B. 2:34/2:21/2:43 Total time: 7:38 – I did about 5 GHD raises each set and the rest were assisted (push off handles) or back ext
Thanks Kris!
A. 2:10/2:13/2:12/2:15 – Total 8:50
B. 2:00/1:57/1:55 – Total 5:52
Thanks Kris!!
A. 10:05
Didn’t have any spark in the row tonight but I love box jumps.
2:30 (1:00)
2:30 (0:59)
2:30 (1:00)
2:35 (1:01)
B. 5:00
GHD raise (whaaaat are these?!) attempts turned into back extensions.
2:00 (48.6)
1:32 (48.5)
1:28 (47.6)
Thanks Kris & 8pmers!
A. 1:43/2:03/2:08/2:20 – Total: 8:14
B. 1:41/1:47/1:54 – Total: 5:22
Row felt good…box jumps not so much. Thanks for the rowing tips Kris.
Had to take it easy yet again to take care of the damages from an insanely ridiculous and way too long lasting cough.
Paced the rowing, only did three rounds of A and did back extensions in B.
A) 2:18/2:39/2:33
B) 1:27/1:30/1:30
Thanks a lot Kris. It was AWESOME to see such a busy 8PM class!
Thanks Kris
A – 6:56
1:39 (51.8)
1:39 (50.8)
1:43 (50.7)
1:55 (51.4)
B – 5:42
1:53 (41.5)
2:03 (41.7)
1:46 (40.4)
rows felt solid, and box jumps were mostly up/down with a few step-downs. GHDs killed me; had to give myself a bit of a push up on each rep to get to vertical.
Great rowing tips Kris; never would’ve thought to liken rowing to SDLHP, but it makes pretty good sense.
Nice work 8pm crew!