Wednesday, December 8, 2010
21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:
Power Clean
Coach’s notes: Guys use 155 lbs, gals 95 lbs for power cleans. Post time to complete to comments.
21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:
Power Clean
Coach’s notes: Guys use 155 lbs, gals 95 lbs for power cleans. Post time to complete to comments.
Climbing that rope to the top is my goal for this year. Hopefully I will be able to do it Sunday at gymnastics. don’t think I will be able to do it twice in a row under 30 seconds, like some people…
12:20 scaled to 75# power clean and push-ups from 20″ box. Thanks, Kris. Audra, you wonder woman you 🙂
Power Cleans @ 155
HSPU were with Blue Bands
Thanks Kris.
21 @ 135 HSPU with green band
15 @ 135 HSPU with green band
9 @ 155 HSPU with blue band ( needed help freom Kris getting balanced with lighter band)
17:20 ish
AWESOME class, Thanks to all!
24:05 as rx’d.
HSPU’s strict- 4’s and 3’s for round of 21/2’s and 1’s for round of 15/ and mostly singles for round of 9. Cleans actually felt ok today…..
fun wod!
9:24 did HSPU’s with hands on 25lb plates down to ab mat (to protect my fragile head!). Did all kipping HSPU’s and cleans as rx’d. Thanks Ali, fun class.
Judy – 16:38 Power cleans @ 52lbs HSPU with green/blue band Thanks Ali & Colin..I have to say I love doing the warmups together as a class.
155# and kipping HSPU to two mats
18:08- cleans as rx’d, HSPU were mostly lowers to two abmats/pillows with a few push ups sprinkled in there. That was a fun class, thanks Ali and Colin! I also like the group warm up, especially the stretches! Good job everyone in the 6pm!
Excellent job to everyone in all of the classes tonight.
My apologies to those in the 6pm class for completely losing track of time. My first day back from holidays and I’m CLEARLY still in vacation mode.
“What…you mean things are actually supposed to start and END at a specific time…”
Big Thanks to Colin for being my official time keeper for the 7 and 8pm classes 🙂
Forgot to say thanks to Rob, Colin and Evan for all of the encouragement.
13:47 – cleans with 52# and HSPU’s with two purple bands on bar and one more for harness.
Still pacing and keeping loads light. I can’t wait to get into it with full effort again.
Thanks Ali and Colin for a great class. And thanks Colin for helping me getting into HSPU position; greatly appreciate it!
6:45 with green bands, and 95#. first time doing the HSPU, great class Ali.
9:38 Scaled to 115 and Green bank
22:21 – cleans felt good – need work on hspu’s (more than 1 at a time) all strict
first 21 mostly as rxd -experimented did 2 to gym mat, 15 mostly negative lowers, a few pushups, 9 all slow/-‘ve lowers – couldn’t push up if I tried!!
Did this one Friday am -Ali thanks for doing this one with me – awesome job as rxd!