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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

“Fight Gone Bad”

3 rounds of time:


Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Box Jumps

Push Press

Row (calories)

Coach’s notes:  For FGB move from each of five stations after a minute.  The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.  This is a five minute round from which a one minute break is allowed before repeating.  On call of  “rotate”, the athletes move to the next station immediately for best score.  One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.  Guys use 20 lbs and gals use 14 lbs for the wallballs, 75 lbs and 55 lbs for the SDLHP and push press.  Box jumps are 20″ for all.  Add your points and post them to comments.

Compare to September 26, 2009

Comments: 15



better than last time not as good as the first. i did knock myself over with the wall ball. also the set up might have hurt me a bit


total = 166

66/60/62 = 188
As rx’d except for 12 lb wallball. Still fighting the remnants of a cold. The sinus pain was shockingly uncomfortable during the workout. The upside is that I should see huge improvements on this workout next time.

total = 209 Fun class…that burning sensation in the lungs is interesting 🙂

Did yesterday’s WOD KB Swings 5:59 101 Jumping Burpees. Great job everyone in the 9:30am class.

Was hoping to make it in today – unfortunately, too much to do and not enough hours!
Nice work on FGB! Chelsea … wow! you are unreal!! nice on yesterday’s wod! missed that one too!
Wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! Thank you also (especially coaches) for your inspiration, motivation and teaching! You are all amazing! Merry Christmas!

370 reps not as rx’d

feeling a muscle strain that was exacerbated by the SDLHP movement…therefore subbed in push ups instead…

Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to the CFC/OPT community…be safe and have fun!!


235 not good!

305 reps as rx’d.
Thank you for the push Chantal! 300 plus would not have been possible without your coaching today.
-Crowfoot Newbee

As Rx

220 PR.

Fun class….!

Lost my scores, but it was about 20 points less than September. Went as hard as I could in the first round and almost died during the last 2. Thinking I might need to pace a little bit better on this one next time.

30/28/37/19/15 = 129
25/20/24/15/18 = 102
23/18/28/14/20 = 103
Total = 334 (PR by 37)

This was a huge improvement over my last 2 FGB. My first round was the same, but my second and third rounds improved by 15-20 reps each, and my score for each exercise improved. I’m not sure how that happened, as I was feeling pretty sore beforehand, and I was even talking about sandbagging the workout. 🙂

Alvaro, disaster! But you get a pass today for the smoothie!

Great job Cory!! Your last row was impressive…

Great work Cory! Wow!

Nice Cory! My workout was vastly different. Chocolate and sweets should never be meals and tourtiere is disgusting (my apologies to those that like tourtiere)…I attended the 8 pm class with those things in my stomach…lucky for me I had one on one coaching from Chantel..first round: 28/25/20/19/11 – feeling a little ill. second round: 21/18..feeling pukey..15/now really pukey 7/7..done. Chantel thanks for your encouragement and I am so sorry to have stopped..first time doing that, but lesson learned..get back to normal eating habits.

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