Wednesday, December 19, 2007
1 round for time:
135lb Push Jerk (10 to 1)
HSPU (1 to 10)
Coach’s notes: Start with 10 135lb push jerks and 1 HSPU. Next set do 9 push jerks (decrease by 1 rep) and 2 HSPU (increase by 1 rep) until you reach 1 push jerk and 10 HSPU. Gals use 75lbs. Post time to complete to comments.
That was shameful. But, after many thoughts of quiting, as Rx’d 39:25.
I took about 35 minutes to do the HSPU’s – all singles. Failed on about 20-25 HSPU’s.
I was hoping to dislocate my shoulder so I could go home early 🙂
hey Bro, glad you didn’t dislocate the shoulder 🙂