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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

For time:

Row 500m

Coach’s notes: Post time to comments.

Tibetan Orphanage benefit auction happening now!  Flames seats up for grabs.  Click here to find out more.

Comments: 18

high bid on flames tickets is $160- bidding ends at 9pm tonite!

500 meters = 1:33:3

She’s back….well sorta…recovery taken longer than anticipated. Having said that, time to get my eyes checked (again)….Just did 5000 m and wondered why they just didn’t put 5K down….


Damper at 7
Finally a workout where there wasn’t enough time for me to start sucking.

150.4 damper @ 6

1:44 damper at 7
The warm up was really helpful I think – thanks Brett!

Damper between 7 and 8
Form really sucked

Damper @ 10

PR. 🙂

That was a great warm-up today Brett. 1:42.0, great job tonight Katie!!!!

Opps it may been 1:36:7????

1:53:1 damper at 7.
Chelsea and Katie you were amazing. Way to go!
Thanks for the warm up Brett!

1:31.6 as Rx. Damper at 5.
Started on a 1:23 pace and died badly at 400m mark.
Still a PR, but should be able to improve with better pacing.


Damper at 7.

Thanks Deejay for the class and Rob for the push!!

damper 7.5
feet on 2
felt like this was a max effort
went a little slower from 200 to 320.
Thanks for the push Brett

1:22.6 damper at 6.5

Started the row at a 1:18 pace, and was probably around 1:20 after 250m. Slipped to 1:26 by the end of the row, but at the end I didn’t feel as destroyed as rowing usually leaves me, so I probably should have pushed harder. Next time I may try a lower damper setting.

1:44 Disaster! as always with the dam rower


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