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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Front Squat  3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.

Compare to November 4, 2008


Comments: 19

Thanks to CFC and everyone who donated to the orphanage. A total of $200 was collected and was used for skipping ropes, basketballs, dodgeballs, soccer balls,… and thank you Chantal for all of your help.

I’ll make sure to get lots of pictures of your money at work! See you in September!! 🙂

Started off light then moved up quickly, last set was 3 at 225, probably could have done more but my wrists were just a killing after the last set, legs felt good

75/85/95/105/115/125 x 1 (then fail 2nd)/120/125/130 x 1 (then fail 2nd)


205/215/235/245/255/260 – all X3

Focused on keeping elbows up.


65/85/95/115/125/135/145/155/165/175/185/200 PR
All x3
First time I was able to rack the bar.
Quit before failure.

Thanks Cory for the Coaching!

Congrats Amy! Plus good job with nancy-Alvero
150×3 and 155 x1 for new pr on both

The “Cory special” today was Nancy as rx’d in 16:28. Earned a second place on the board displacing Cory to a “terrible” third place!!
Thank you Brett, Chantal, Erin, Steve and everyone else in the class for pushing me through it. If I am by myself I could easily add another 5 min to this wod

105/125/145/165/175/ times 3. 185X1. My PB so far! 🙂

Worked up to 87.5 but felt as though I had a couple more rounds in me.

got 3×225 tried at 235 and failed on the third rep

105/115/120/125/130 135 for 2 single reps and one double rep. Congrats Alvero.


Nice work Alvaro! I’m honored to be the constant inspiration that gets you to move your lazy ass!

Amy, all the best and stay strong!!! Judy & Neil

45×10, 95×6, 125×6
135×3, 145×3, 155×3 (PR reps), 160×3, 165×3, 170×2+F

previous PR 155×2 April 10.

225x 3 before i ran out of time.


Up to 170 for three and then got 175 X 1 and then dropped, let my elbows down and I lost it.

a very tough 240×3…

the weight felt heavy all night…my first crack at this weight I did not even get one!

front squat is more mental then anything…my PR for 3 reps is 250 yet today felt like over 300lbs

Way to go Alvaro…you did great tonight!

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