Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A. As Many Reps As Possible in 12 minutes of:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
15 Medicine Ball Overhead Squats
30 Foot Handstand Walk
B. Practice Handstand holds, walks, push-ups and the like with time remaining.
A. As Many Reps As Possible in 12 minutes of:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
15 Medicine Ball Overhead Squats
30 Foot Handstand Walk
B. Practice Handstand holds, walks, push-ups and the like with time remaining.
4 rounds exactly RX’d. I got all my muscle ups unbroken 😄 and I managed one set of handstand walks unbroken 🙂. Used 20# med ball…. my body don’t like that movement 🤨. Oh and doing 7am should be considered scaling up. Morning WODS are hard lol
4 rounds. All movements that are a work in progress for me. BMUs were pretty good today, a little bit of chicken wing when I got tired, MBOS were smallest wall ball, tried to keep arms locked out, HSW into wall.
Thanks Colin and Derek!
4 rounds + 3 MU
Did three MU’s per round, used a 14# med ball and all handstand walks unbroken
Yay 7am!!
This workout was the definition of “not my forte”
4 rounds of:
Jumping bar muscle ups on the lowest of the low bars on a 24” box with a 15lb plate on it. I have a huge mental block with these
OHS with 14# with a struggle staying on my heels and keeping my arms locked
And 2 wall walks per round.
This was one I finished extremely frustrated. But I like working on my weaknesses so at least I’ve got that going for me.
2 rounds+BMU+OHS
Started with 24” box and 45# plate but had to add a 10#.
14# ball, struggled to keep my arms locked.
2 wall walks
Had time to do the wallwalks but my arms and neck weren’t on board.
Like Jen, this was a frustrating one and a real test of my patience. That I didn’t bail part way was the win today.
Thanks Josh
2 rounds with banded M/U 2 round s CTB
20# Med ball
2handstand walks per round
Shoulders really aware !!
Thanks Josh for the coaching and the secret wod after
Saw that Ron got all his muscle ups unbroken and thought that was a good goal, so tried for that. Otherwise this workout was a gong show. As in, I know this stuff is so good for me and exactly what I need to be working on, but dang. Shoulders were wrecked by Josh’s warmup before I even started.
Anyway got 4 rounds and a palm tear in about 11:30. Called it there. Used a 6lb medicine ball, and 2 wall walks per round. Did manage muscle ups unbroken which helped my feelings a bit 😉
(There was alot of chicken winging going on though, and bent arms on the squats…)
Lol Mark, love the comment about the “secret WOD” at the end, that’s exactly what it felt like.
Thanks for everything tonight Josh, was a great class!