Wednesday, August 28, 2024
EMOM 14:
1 power snatch
– Build in load every 2:00.
For time:
Hang power snatches (75/115 lb)
Box jumps (20/24 in)
Coach’s notes:
Post loads for power snatch and time to complete couplet to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
A) 125-185
B) 5:02 Rx’d
Thanks Colin!
A. 95-115 with last three sets at 115.
B. 6:02 at 95#. Managed to cycle some PS in the first two rounds but then shoulder got cranky so singles for the final 9.
Nice to work out with the 9:30am Old Guys With Bad Shoulder Club. Think we out numbered the Not quite as old woman with hot flashes club.
Thanks OG!
Up to 155 where I put my head through before the bar cleared whatever plane of existence I was on leading to a nice “clang” sound.
5:38 with 95#.
Mini-round showed me very quickly I wasn’t hanging on to 115# without putting it down a bunch.
Bad shoulders and hot flashes?! Just happy to be involved.