Wednesday, April 9, 2008
400 walking lunges for time
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete and predictions for how long your legs are going to be sore after this one to comments.
Compare to Tuesday, February 26, 2007.
400 walking lunges for time
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete and predictions for how long your legs are going to be sore after this one to comments.
Compare to Tuesday, February 26, 2007.
This is how we do lunges in the north, great picture!!!!!!
That is fantastic, I love it.
The only thing worse than 400 lunges is 400 lunges followed by a 200 m run (which I believe Intent did to us on OPT’s suggestion ~ a year ago…….)
This was a beauty
14:25 as Rx’d
14:07, Brett put this to shame.
beautiful day to spend at the track so did this. 30 minutes track warm up including lots of dowel rod work on snatch lands, snatch drops. Followed up by 10 x 100m with 3 min rest btw intervals. Averaging 12:30-13:30 each interval (hard to get accurate time on a wristwatch) 5 minute walking rest followed by 400 walking lunges in 14 minutes. Started watch and was doing lunges on the grass to save banging knees off the track but unfortunately the instability was worse so after about 40 lunges I moved up onto the track for the remainder. Should have pushed through the pain a little more to get closer to 13 minutes.
13:56 as Rx’d
11:12 as Rx’d.
Last time (Dec 16th) was 12min15sec
Soreness prediction: 4 days.
Tomorrow some kind of pull-up WOD right? No box jumps or DU’s!!
9:10, If only I lived in a Bungalow I would have no stairs to go down for the next few days!!
As Rx’d
The grass in the OPT backyard wasn’t as soft as you would think. Knees bled a little. No snow though….
I managed 10:52 and I agree with Pierre that it coudl be 4 days of soreness.
Adelle finished in 14:32 – same knee troubles and is glad she has a massage this Saturday.
G: 10:37
K: 12:30
compare to Sept 03 ’08 (400m not 400 lunges; went around island 7 times)
G: 11:31 or 365 lunges
K: 12:00 or 376 lunges
as rx’d
12:54…and a couple of skinned knees like Rick and Adelle 🙂
Awesome Muscle Ups, Jeff!!!!
JP: 13:03. I expect to be sore through to the weekend!
Did not see Alvaro out there tonight – maybe he is still going?
Did my first muscle-up ever while Brett was talking to the group
Did 400 walking lunges in 14:52
Did another muscle-up, with witnesses this time
Did a third to ice the cake
This is proof that muscle-ups are all about technique and don’t take much muscle.
My breakdown of a succesful muscle-up:
Technique – 65%
Long legs for kipping – 5%
Low body weight – 10%
Strength – 10%
Not knowing it’s supposed to be hard – 10%
13:01. Hopefully the legs will feel better by Sunday’s class!
Congrats on the muscle ups tonight Jeff!!!