Wednesday, April 28, 2010
10-1 Chest to Bar Pull Ups and Front Squat
Coach’s notes: Guys use 115 lbs and gals 75 lbs for front squat and take bar from the floor. Post time to complete to comments.
10-1 Chest to Bar Pull Ups and Front Squat
Coach’s notes: Guys use 115 lbs and gals 75 lbs for front squat and take bar from the floor. Post time to complete to comments.
Blue/purple assisted PU’s & 65# front squat – 12:15
Bonus early morning class from DJ
As rxd:11;27 … a lot harder than I thought it was going to be…after round 3, I was pooched but thanks to DJ’s harassment I was able to finish.
Do squat…you truly are a squat machine.
Stopped doing chest-to-bar and switched to chin-ups after 2 on round 6.
Repeated the failed contact up to that point.
A. Push press 95×5, 115×5, 130×5, 135×3, 142×3, 150×3
B. WOD 8:02 as rx’d. Everything unbroken except pull-ups on rounds of 8, 7 & 6.
Neil – 95lb squats & purple band PU from 6 down – 12:31
Judy – 56lb & blue band – 18:25
9-something. 75lb backsquat and blue/purple band assisted for C2B PU’s. I think I should have just used the blue band (new goal: 6 weeks to master the dreaded pullup).
Thank you for the class this morning DJ! Good work this morning Old Guy
12:08 as Rx’d. Had to do 1-2 extra pullups each round – lost the rhythm after round of 8.
11:53 blue band chest to bar and 75lb squats.
Great work doing rx’d Erin!
Unassisted C2B
Squats as prescribed for hermaphrodites: 95 lbs.
Thanks to everyone for coaxing me through the last two rounds.
As RX’d 12:35
16:20 as rx’d.
Would have went a lot better if i could clean the bar first time.
as rx’d
As Rx’d
had to do 1 extra C2B on 5-1 set.
blur band assisted C2b’s. Front squats as RX’d.
16:52 1st round as rx’d with strict C2B. All other rounds of C2B were strict but purple band assisted. Used 75lbs for all rounds.
Thanks DJ!
18:?? – First two rounds and a bit were as rx’d then as usual, the pull ups crushed me..I wasted a lot of time and energy ensuring my chest was touching the bar and that I was high enough. Rest of the rounds used purple band. Thanks DJ!
Front Squats as Rx. Substituted chin up for C2B pull ups.