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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 Rounds for time:


30 Jumping Pull-ups

15 Push Press

10 GHD Sit-ups


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 125 lbs and gals 75 lbs for push press.  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 24

I may have to miss my day off for this one! Good times.

65#…30:30 – tough weight towards the end but persevered hence the copious time

ALMOST as rx’d, 75# for 4 rnds, then lowered to 65# for last rnd.

thanks for the encouragement, class! 🙂

19:14-55#….up the weight next time
Thanks for the push Michelle & Brett.

Push press at 115 instead of 125.
Sit ups were regular, unanchored.

13:58 as rx’ed

19:12 as rx’d

normal sit-ups after two rounds
95# need to keep my elbows up and my but stuck out

Push press scaled to 85# to try and stop my back from arching.


Adelle – 53# for PP’s – 15:22
Rick – 65# for PP’s (shoulder recovering) – 13:32

Good work. I like the GHD sit ups.

75 lbs. for PP

K 13:45

OK, pretty sure i screwed up my time, although I did write it down…dont remember much else now, other than that I finished after Paige…sorry, the 90 snatches yesterday really fried my body and brain…..

16:09, 52lbs, my first time for ghd’s. Felt pain in my back while doing them so continued with SU from the floor.

Neil 95 lbs 20:55
Judy 43.5 lbs 21:47

14:06 scaled to 60lbs ( I think PERHAPS next time I could add just a little more weight- I’m shocked! This time next year I may be able to push press Hughie!)

Way to go Katie! I want to be there when you do that 🙂

Scaled push press to 33lbs. Probably could have handled more weight, just like most of the time. I set a new goal for myself to challenge myself more in the future and be more confident in my abilities. We’ll see how that goes…
First time for GHD sit-ups; they went surprisingly well.

14:33 as rx’d

Modified PP to 85/85/75/75/65, 20:22

16:38 as rx’d…

all GHD’s and JPU were unbroken for all rounds…first set of PP unborken…second set 12/3…after that it was down hill…it is becoming frustrating the lack of intensity I have right now with metcons…

this is the second straight WOD I wanted to quit half way through…though I did not quit physically…I think I did mentally…I should have been able to do this WOD 10-11 mins…but mentally I could not…the toughest part is realizing I’m not tired after the WOD…meaning I did not give my all…right now I am struggling to find the next gear I know I have…

“unbroken” not unborken 🙂

Whoops correction for Neil’s time 19:55

9:27 as rx’d

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