Wednesday, April 2, 2008
6 minutes Wallball (maximum reps)
Rest 2:00 mins
5 minutes row (calories)
Rest 2:00 mins
Tabata Burpies (total reps)
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20lb wallball and gals 12lbs. Burpies are without push-up. The Tabata is 20s of work with 10s rest repeated for 8 sets. Post score for each exercise to comments.
Oh darn, Wed. is my rest day (thank you Lord!) Nothing in that descript looks like “fun”….
22 lb wallball: 100 reps
5 min row: 94 cal
Tabata Burpies: 51
22 lb wallball, 9′, hard ball: 81 reps
5 min row: 83 cal
Tabata Burpies: 32
In Hamilton today at Globo Gym
Single arm Power snatch 30lb R/H
Single arm Power snatch 30lb L/H
Chin ups
Time = 6:42
Toughie, Lungs took about 10min before they felt normal again.
2K row @ approx 90%
Time = 7:53
Happy with that after the punishment I gave myself on the earlier WOD
Adelle and I will feel this workout tomorrow morning.
Adelle – wall balls (12 lbs) – 127; row – 54; burpees – 74 Total 255
Rick – wall balls (20 lbs) – 116; row – 75; burpees – 52 Total 243
Wall balls (12 lbs) – 63, row – 75, burpees – 60, total 198
JP: Wall balls (20lbs) – 111, row 95 cal, burpies – 56, total 262
Wall balls (12lbs) – 127; row – 65; burpies – 74, total 266
Wallballs 125 (20#); row 83 cals; burpies 67. Total=275
Wallballs 115 (12#); row 71 cals; burpies 44. Total=230
Great wallballs Michelle!
Wallballs (12#) – 76; row 70 cals; burpies 50. Total 196
good news…I didn’t hit my face once with the ball! Must mean my form is getting better?? Now to work on speed and strength!! 🙂
Wallballs (20#) – 82; row 78 cals; burpies 69. Total 229
Clean and Jerk (75#) – 50; row 82 cals; burpies 57?. approx total 189 🙂
As Rx’d
115 – 76 – 56
Wallballs – 83
Rowing – 83 cals
Tabata Burpees – 55
Total – 221
Definitely one of the most devastating workouts in awhile…..
213 PR
Previous = 196