Wednesday, April 17, 2019
“Annie, Are You OK?”
21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:
Row (Cals)
Thrusters – 65#/45#
Medicine Ball Cleans – 20#/14#
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls – 65#/45#
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete to comments. Happy birthday Coach Kimmer! Enjoy your birthday WOD!
WOD Leaderboard
I’m sure everyone will hate me for pointing it out but there are wallballs in between the SDLHP and burpees….sorry not sorry…😇
Rx 17:22
Thanks Derek
Sandy, are you ok?! 🤐 🤫
In spite of it all, as usual, I liked this chipper!
35# bar
12# wallball
Great job coaching today, Derek! You juggled it well with 2 new people in the class.
Happy Birthday, Kim!!
18:49 RX
21:09rx. hoooooly need to get to more classes.
Thanks T, happy birthday Kimmer!! <3
You’ll all thank me later for making sure we did it right! 😝 And BTW, it wasn’t my idea this time….
21:50. A PR by I think 30-40 seconds.
Thanks Tania.
Happy Birthday Kimmer. Thanks for a fun WOD!
Happy Birthday Kim!!
Happy Birthday Kim!!!
14:14 Rx
This WOD is totally in my wheel house. Light wights, don’t have to think you can just move.
Rowing: I tried to keep it at 1,500 cals/hour for all 3 rounds
Thrusters: Unbroken all 3 rounds – You can always do one more thruster.
Medicine Ball Cleans: Unbroken all 3 rounds – definitely the hardest move in this chipper
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls: Unbroken all 3 rounds – used this as the rest
Burpees: Unbroken all 3 rounds – you can always do one more burpee.
Thanks Tania, great work 10am.
Struggling again today, ARGH. Oh well, a workout is better than not. 15:10.
Happy Birthday Coach Kimmer!!!!!
My right glute is fekered!
Thanks Josh!
20:46 I believe! Biked instead of rowed. Happy birthday Kimmer!!!
Thanks Josh. Stellar as always.
19:45 rx’d
Used the ski erg.
Lower back was on fire throughout the WOD.
Happy birthday Kim!
Thanks Josh!
14:04 Rx. I thought I might have had a chance on this one so I went for it. Super tough but fun!
Thanks for being born Kimmer!!
18:43 used rower
Derek P think you have a typo! No way it took you over a minute to finish that last burpee or two after I finished..
Thanks Josh particularly for the terrible advice of just going unbroken cause it’s so light lol – this did not work
Thanks Sandy for the wallballs, super pumped when I was doing those. 🤨
Happy bday Kim!
18:45 used a 35# bar, everything else RXd
Thanks Josh!
And happy birthday Kimmer!
20:01 rx
Used ski erg……that’s my excuse
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes crew!!!!!!!!!